Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/904

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2504 PllbJi~ use of fOb:1 '. yR( ,CLAMATIONS, 1932. Nt)thing ilereil1 contained shall modify or abridge the right of the ~;'lblic to travel over any or all public roads now existing within or upon the lands herein described or roads subsequently constructed to take the place of such existing roads) nor shall public travel over said roads be subject to any restriction or condition other than those generally applicable to the use of public roads in the State of New Mexico. Supervision etc:. of T!le Director of the 1'iI ational Park Service under the direction Director 0, National .' •• P~k Sen'ire. • of the SecretlllY of the InterIOr, shall have the supervIsIOn, manage- 41~~\:" ~; \01. ment, and control of this monument as provided in the act of Con-

\Iarch 10, 1932.

gress entitled :, AN ACT To establish a National Park Service, and forotherplll'pose~," approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535-536)) and acts additional thereto or amendatory thereof. IN WITNE.;8 WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal oi the Unite,~ States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 25" day of :Februr.ry, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty- [SEAL] two, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-sixt,':!. By the President: HENRY L STIMSON Secretary of State. HERBERT HOOVER [No. 1991] EMERGENCY BOARD, LOUISIANA & ARKANSAS RAILWAY CO. -- EMPLOYEES BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION LI!~r dispntAl, The WHEREAS the President, having been duly notified by the Board LoUlSlllna & Ark8DS8S f Medi' h dis b hf11' . RallwayCo.,ThelAu· 0 ation t at a pute etween teo owmg carrlers: isiana, Ark8DS8S & Texas R~way Co:. The Louisiana & Arkansas Railway CO.; and certain of thell' Th Lo . . A. -k &T Rail C emp]oyOOli. e UlSlana,.t1..l~ ansas exas way 0.; carriers, and certain of their employees represented by Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen ; Order of Railway Conductors; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Railway Employees Department, American Federation of Labor, Federated Shopcrafts; Local Lodge No. 24, Colored Railway Trainmen; which dispute has not been heretofore adjusted under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act) now threatens substantially to interrupt interstate commerce within the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, to a degree such as to deprive that section of the country of essential transportation service; Emergency board NOW, THEREFORE, I, HERBERT HOOVER, President of the =~po~? t~;:~~te United States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, and by virtue of and under Vol. -H , p.~. the authority vested in me by section 10 of the Railway Labor Act, lJ.8.C., p.2110. do hereby create a board to be composed of three persons not pecuni- arJy or otherwise interested in any organization of railway employees