Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/86

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1692 72d CO~GRESS. SESS. I . CHS.380 -383 . JULy 1,1932. deposit in the First National Bank at Redwood Falls, Minnesot&., which said bank failed under date of July 21, 1925, and was liqui- dated, none of said sum being repaid from the assets of said bank. Approved, July 1, 1932. [CHAPTER 381.] AN ACT 1uly 1, 1932- IH. R. 3987.) For the relief of R. K. Stiles and Company. [Private, No. 11,).} Be it enacted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives 01 the R. K . Stiles and United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary CTarmstroBot (talk) 19:44, 11 June 2014 (UTC)tto,forprop- of the Treasury be, ~nd he is hereby, authorized .and directe~ tOlay, arty repairs. out of anl money III the Treasu_I'J not otherwIse approprIate , to R. K . StIles and Company of Kansas City, Kansas the sum of $569.34, reJ?resenting the sum expended by said R. It. Stiles and Company In the reconstruction of a retaining wall between its property in the city of Kansas City, Kansas, and the Wyandotte Indian Cemetery at Kansas City, Kansas, which collapsed on June 1, 1929, and repairing damage to buildings on its property as the result of such collapse. 1uly 1, 1932. IH. R . 4071.) [Private, No. 111.1 Approved, July 1, 1932. [CHAPTER 382.] AN ACT For the relief of W. A . Blankenship. Be it enocted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives 01 the w. A . Blankenship. United States 01 America in Oongress assembled That the Secretary Payment to, for prop- •• , • erty damage. of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorIzed and directed tolay, 1:l1y 1, 1932- IH. R . 4233.] (Private, No. 112.) out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to W. A . BlankenshIp, of Randle, Washington, the sum of $350 in full settlement of all claims against the Government on account of damages to his property resulting from the construction of the Purcell Creek section, Randle-Yakima Forest Road project, Rainier National Park, Lewis County, State of Washington. Approved, July 1, 1932. [CHAPTER 383.] AN ACT For the relief of Enza. A . Zeller. Be it e1l&. ed by the Senate and H O'U8e 01 Rep1'esentatives of the ~I}%&htti Zellf:im f United States 01 America in Oongress assembled, That the United to tJ!,S:X~. 0, States Employees' Compensation Commission is hereby authorized to consider and determine the claim of Enza A. Zeller on account of injuries sustained up'()n June 28, 1922, while employed by the War Department of the United States, in the same manner and to the same extent as if said Enza A. Zeller had made application for the VoL 39, p.746. benefits of said Act within the one-year period required by sections 17 ~orbenefit& and 20 thereof: Provided, That no benefits shall accrue prior to the approval of this Act. Approved, July 1, 1932.