Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/794

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2398 INTERNATIONAL LOAD LINE CONVENTION. JULy 5, 1980. 8ecntarJ 01 state. Tht Secretary oj State (StimBon) 10 tM British AmlHu!ador (lJi/ruUay) EX~ELLENCY : DEPABTKENT OJ' STATIl, Wa8hington, June 1, 193t. Consideration has been given to the proposal enclosed with your note No. 48 of February 8, 1932, made by the Netherlands Govern- ment relating to modifications in the French text of certain of the rules in Annex 1 to the International Load Line Convention of 1930, and I am. now enabled to inform. you that as the proposed modifica- tions in no way alter the English text of the convention or affect the equivalence of the Fren~h text with the English text, this Govern- ment is in agreement with His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that the modifications represent the most practical way of simplifying the application of the rules in those countries in which metric measures are in use, and that the proposal does not necessitate any amendment of the convention. Attention is invited, however, to a typographical error found in the third table of Regulation XXXVII in the Netherland proposal where the factor f2 corresponding to a value of K of 4,5 meters should be changed from 3134 to read 4134. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con- sideration. For the Secretary of State: HIS EXCELLENCY W. R. CASTLE, Jr. Sm RONALD LINDSAY, P.C., l . ,) /1., K.C.B., C.V.O., British AmlHu8ador. 585.61 B 1/203 British Ambassador. The British, Ambas8ador (Lirul8ay) to tke Secretary oj State (Stimson) No. 215. BRITISH EMBASSY, Sm, Wa8kington, D.O., June 28th" 1932. I have the honour to refer to your note No. 585.61 B 1/203 of June 1st last regarding certain modifications in the French text of certain of the rules in Annex I to the International Load Line Convention of 1930 proposed by the Netherlands Government and to transmit to you herewith copies of a sheet showing small corrections which the Netherlands Government have since made to the figures contained in these modifications. I have the honour to be, With the highest consideration, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, THE RIGHT HONOURABLE HENRY L. STIMSON, Secretary oj State oj tke Unued States, Wash,ington, D.O . R. C . LINDSAY.