Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/784

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2388 INTERNATIONAL LOAD LIN'E CONVENTION. JULy 5, 1930. Who accordingly assembled in London. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry F. Oliver was appointed President of the Conference, and Mr. A . E . Lee, Secretary-General. Committees set up. For the purposes of its work the Conference set up the following Committees, of which the under-mentioned were Presidents:- Administration Committee: Mr. Koenigs. Main Technical Committee: Sir Charles Sanders. Tankers Committee: Mr. Kennedy. Timber Ships Committee: Mr. Emil Krogh. Special Types of Ship Committee: Vice-Admiral Fock. Zones Committee: General Ingianni. Drafting Committee: Mr. Haarbleicher. Credentials Committee: Mr. Nakayama. In the course of a series of meetings between the 20th May, 1930, and the 5th July, 1930, a Load Line Convention, dated the 5th July 1930, was drawn up. I. Declarationsby The Conference takes note of the following declarations, made by United States. the undermentioned delegation:- ~ei'rJ~ = The Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America formally not to be so construed. declare that the signing of the International Load Line Convention by them, on the part of the United States of America, on this date, is no~ to be construed to mean that the Government of the United States of America recognizes a regime or entity which signs or accedes to the Convention as the Government of a country when that regime or entity is not recognized by the Government of the United States of America as the Government of that country. No contractual obU· The Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America further gation. Recommendations. declare that the participation of the United States of America in the International Load Line Convention signed on this date does not involve any contractual obligation on the part of the United States of America to &. country, represented by a regime or entity which the Government of the United States of America does not recognize as the Government of that country, until such country has a Government recognized by the Government of the United States of America. II. The Conference also adopts the following recommendation 5_ in~:~t~~nal~~&i~~ Ship8 of less than 150 tons gross Engaged on In,ternational Voyages. Regulations. The Conference recommends that such regulations as may be made by any of the Contracting Governments relating to ships of less than 150 tons gross engs.ged on international voyages should, so far as [t "recommendation" should read" recommendations."]