Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/7

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Herbert G. BlM.k /lnd Cl4rk Cool Company. AN ACT For the relief of Herbert G. Black owner of the schooner Oakwoods, and Clark Coal Company, owner of the cargo of co;l on board said sehooner_____________________________________ February 14, 1933 __ Lieutenant Arnold R. Kline, Nav'fl~ AN ACT Authorizing_the President to transfer and ap- point Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Arnold R. Kline). United StatA>..s Navy, to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade), SUj)j)ly Corps, United !:States Navy ___ February 14, 1933 __ Ric.\mond Pearaon Hobaon. AN ACT Authorizing the President to present a medal of honor to RIchmond Pearson Hobson ____________________________ ._Febrll&ry 1(,1933__ Sidney Joaeph Kent. AN ACT For the relief of Sidney Joseph Kent__ February 14, 1933__ Forut Sert1ice, employees. AN ACT For the relief of certain employees of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture _________________________________ February 14, 1933 __ Wilmot Caalle Company. AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the clt>.im of the Wilmot Castle CharlelSc;m~""n: - -AN -ACT: A~th~ri~~g the &cret~;i of the -f~ie~i~:~b~~ ~!'a:':!:iO certain lands to Charles R. Thornton_________ .. ______________ February15,1933__ Katherine R. Theberge. AN ACT For the relief of Katheri!l.e R. Theberge_February 15, 1933 __ Peter Paul Franzel. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Peter Paul Franzel, deceased ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ _ February 15, 1933__ Lyman L. Miller. AN ACT For the relief of Lyman L. Miller _______ February 15, 1933 __ Great Western Coal Mines Company. AN ACT For the relief of the Great Western Coal Mines COmpany _________________________________________________ February 15, 1933 __ Ida E. Godfrfrb', etc. AN AC!£ For the relief of Ida E. Godfrey and others _____________________________________________ • ___________February15,1933__ &sie Fingar. AN ACT For the relief of Essie Fingar ______________ Febru3ry 15, 1933 __ Marion F. Blackwell. AN ACT For the relief of Marion F. BlackwelL_February 15, 1933 __ C. N. Hildreth, junior. AN ACT For the relief of C. N. Hildreth, junior_February 15, 1933 __ B. F . Hart. AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the claim of B. F. Hart ______ • _________________________________________________ • February 16, 1933__ WiUiam E. B. Grant. AN ACT For the relief of William E. B . Grant__ Febrwuy 16, 1933 __ Tampico Marine Iron Worlca. AN ACT For the relief of Tampico Marine Iron Works _________________________________________________________ February17,1933__ Van Camp Sta Food Company (Inc.). AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the claim of the Van Camp Sea Food Co~j)&Ily (Incorporated} ________________ February 17. 1933__ Lincoln County, Mont. AN ACT Authorizmg the conveyance of certain land to aehool district numbered 15, Lincoln County, Montana______________ February lIt 1933 __ George N. Nicholaon. AN ACT To authorize the Commi88ioners of the District of.\,;Olumbia to reappoint George N. Nicholson in the police department of said District _________________________________________________________ February17,1933__ Harriette Olam. AN ACT For the relief of Harriette Olsen__________ February 18, 1933•• James M. Griffin. AN ACT For the relief of James M. Griffin, disbursing agent, United States Coast acd Geodetic Survey, and for other pUrp0&e8 _____ Febrrut.l'Y 18, 1933__ George _~._ !!.cTarmstroBot (talk) __ ~_~ _~_~~__TarmstroBot (talk) _t~e_ ~~_~f__t~~_ ~~_o~-~~-~~t~~rY ~:~9~~ Lindley Nur8erie8 (Inc.). AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the claim of Llndley .Nurseries North ~I,:;::.~:tts:;.;;; -i; iitiii~y: -- A N -ACT -T~-~uih~r-i;e -the- S;~;;TarmstroBot (talk)n~!:SiO grant an easement for railroad rbrht of way over and upon a portion of the helium res~~_19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC)_~~e_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_~~ TarmstroBot (talk) 19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC)C~~_i~_~~:TarmstroBot (talk) 19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC)l,Y~~tSTarmstroBot (talk) 19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC) Samuel C. Davia. AN ACT For the relief of Samuel C. Davis_______ February 23, 1933 __ Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of War to sell to The Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Company eertain tracts of land situate in the county of Harford and State of Mary- land_____________________________________________________ February 24,1933__ CasBie !rf!i:f:~dS_~~_ ~_~~_ ~_~t~_O_~~i~~_ TarmstroBot (talk) !19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC)~~ ~_~~i~_~~ _~~;TarmstroBot (talk)ls~~9::or Mathie Belsvig. AN ACT For the relief of Mathie Beisvig___________ February 28, 1933 __ Clarence R. KiUiun. AN ACT For the relief of Clarence R. Killion ___ February 28, 1933 __ AUeg!/.my Forging Company. AN' ACT For the relief of the Allegheny Forging Company ____________________________________________________________ March 1, 1933 __ Donna M. Davi8. AN ACT To authorize credit in the disbursing account of Donna M. Davis_______________________ - __ - - ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ March I, 1933 __ Harold W. Merrin. AN ACT For the relief of Harold W. Merrin _______ March 1, 1933 __ Lizzie PiUman. AN ACT For the relief of Lizzie Pittman______________ March 1, 1933 __ WiUiam Mathew Squires. AN ACT For the relief of William Mathew Squires ____________________________________________________________ Mareh1,1933__ Dongji J~;~:m(L~'i~d)= _TarmstroBot (talk) 19:31, 11 June 2014 (UTC).~~ __~~ _~~: _~~r__t~~_ TarmstroBot (talk)_~~ _t~_e__~~Af~~n;:TarmstroBot (talk)33~~ Dr. M . M . BraY8haw. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor M. M. Brayshaw

______ Ma7~h 1, 1933__

Mary Elizabeth Fo:r., AN ACT For the relief of Mary Elizabeth Fox _____ M ..· .r ch 1, 1933 __ Jerry V. Crane. AN ACT For the relief of Jerry V. Crane______________ ivlarch 1, 1933 __ Alezander F. SawhiU. AN ACT For the relief of Alexander F. SawhilL ___ March 1, 1933 __ 1719 1720 1720 1720 1721 1721 1722 1722 1722 1723 1723 1723 1724 1724 1725 1725 1725 1726 1726 1727 1727 1727 1727 1729 1729 1730 1731 1731 1732 1732 1732 1733 1733 1733 1734 1734 1734 1734 173.', 1735 1736