Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/590

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2196 EXTRADITION TREATY-GREECE. MAY 6,1981. C~DX:::r. of DOtes- En prenant acte de cette communication sur Ie contenu de laquelle Ie Gouvernement Hell6nique est d'accord, je saisis cette occasion pour Vous renouveler, Monsieur Ie Ministre, les assurances de ma haute consid&-8tion. A. MICHALAXOPOULOS SoN EXCELLENCI: MONSIEUR ROBERT PEI:T SXINNER Envoy~ Extraordinaire et Ministre PUnipotentiaire de8 Etats- Unis d'AfMriqru. MR. MINISTER: En Vilk. [Translation} MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Athens, May 6, 1981. I have the honor to acknowledge to Your Excellency receipt of your letter of this date, reading as follows: "In signing today the treaty of extradition between the Gnited States of America and the Hellenic Republic, I have the honor to declare to your Excellency under the authority and in the name of my Government, that the Government of the United States will extend to Greece the most favorable treatment now accorded, or which may: hereafter be accorded, by the United States to a third AIIU, pp.21111, 2192. Power, with respect to matters dealt with in Articles 9 and 11 of the above mentioned treatx, particularly in that which concerns expenses of every nature! including the usual charges, and the procedure to be followed after the demand for extradition." Acknowledging receipt of this communication, with the content of which the Hellenic Government is in agreement, I take this oppor- tunity to renew to you, Mr. Minister, the assurances of my high consideration. A. MICHALAXOPOULOS HIS EXCELLENCY MR. ROBERT PEET SKINNER Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary oj 1M United Statu oj America. Oitv.