Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/583

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EXTRADITION TREATY-GREECE. MAY 6, 1981. 2189 appropriated exceeds two hundred dollars or Greek equivalent. 22. Crimes and oBenaes against the laws of both countries for the sUPJi~on of slavery and slave tra . 23. Wilful desertion or willul non-B _upport of minor or depend- ent children, or of other depend- ent persons, provided that the crime or offenoo is punishable by the laws of both countries. 24. Bribery. 25. Crimes or offenses against the bankruptcy laws. 26. Crlnles or offenses against the laws for the suppression of traffic in narcotics. 27. Extradition shall also take place for participation in any of the crimes or offenses before men- tioned as an accessory before or after the fact, or in any attem:pt to commit any of the afores81d crimes or offenses. However, ex- tradition for participation or at- tempt will be accorded in the case of a suspected person only' if the maximum of the possible punishment is two years or more, and, in the case of one condemned, only if the sentence pronounced by the jurisdiction of the demand- ing State is six months or more. ARTICLE III. The provisions of the present Treaty Shall not import a claim of extradition for any crime or offense of a political character, nor for acts connected with such crimes or offenses; and no person surrendered by or to either of the High Contracting Parties in vir- tue of this Treaty shall be tried or punished for a political crime or offense committed before his extradition. The State applied to, or courts of such State, shall decide whether the crime or of- fense is of a political character. "Nyf80s "oii 1I"OCJ'Oii " tt ~La "in Nunroc.t,8'""OIJ" u,.,.,.".,,, tr,p- /WPu &.«6cn& &O»'A,.. " ociMYO" 'If'OfS"" eLs A)'.,,,~,, "IIMIp4. 22. "E")'u.'I'CI If 'II')..,ppl)."I'CI ,,- 'II'.pM3.f1&" 1'~" "1'OiJ" Ap.tpO"fhptml 1'~" XClJp(A" "c,JI .~OIJJI ".q" ICa."AP"Y'- f1&" "ijr oovMLar ICcaL .,ijr f1~I'CIf'eJr 1I'OpLa,r. 23. 'EmVCTL4" ~")'K47'AML~L" (&Be- f1"" ) If ApJIf1f1'" ilCa.JI01I'O,.qf1ECIJJI "c,,, A"a. ,,),ICci)JI 'II'cUlc.JJI AJIf1XLICClJJI ~ U4- "EfJE&plJICIJ" "cfi l'YIC).'7I'4"Lf If A>.N.t . 'lrPOf1&wOlJJI A"."tBeI."MJICIJ" 4irrcfi bp' 3f10Jl ,,6 I,,),IC).'1I'a. if tt 'lra.pAfJa.f1'f 'l'Ll'CIJpii"a.L lJd f'ci)" "ol'fl Ap.tpOTEpOIJJI T~" XClJpci)JI. Sian tndiJII. 24. ~ClJpoOOICL4,. BriberJ. 25. ' E'YICM 1'4"a. If 'Ir).'1I'J.&E)."1'4T. BlIllkruptcy.Jaw 1'10 lIC Tci)" 'lrEpL XpEClJIC01I'L4S "opCIJ". latiooa. 26. 'E,,),IC)."I'4T4 If 'Ir).'1I'J.&EMI'4Ta. NIIlCOt1c tratIlo. U Tci),1 rEpL ~P'lropLov "ci)" "a.plCClJTuc&1" "opCIJJI. 27. 'H hoof1's ra.piXET4l l'lrLf1t1S A~ 8&60 f1VHP"YEI.G." 1fpO If J.&ETA """ 1fpAe,,, ~rL 1'£"& Tci)JI rp04"a.fJf~""CIJ" ~")'IC).'1I'ATCIJ" If 'Ir).'1I'J.&E).'1I'ATCAJ" If ~'lrL ola.8 .qrOTE ArO'lrELpf U"E}.~f1fCIJS iJ'6s k "iiJ" ElP71pi"ClJJI l-yIC).'7I'ATCAJJ' f} 'Ir).'1I'J.&E)."I'ATCIJ". 'E" 1'o,"o,s, i) h- OOf1'S 8'A f1V"EP"YEI.G .JI if A1rWE&Pa." 8A ra.pEX'1Ta.&, Elr If" "-Epl'llClJf1w 'If'pOICE'Ta.& rEpL 8u.JICClJpiJlOv rpotT&nrov p6J1OJI iA" Til A,,&'Ta.TO" 3pLO" nis rpofJ}.E1I'OMs 1I'OI."ijr d"CLI. 8bo I,." if r).Eo" ICa.L ELr IfJl 'II'EpL'lrTClJf1l" rp6- ICE'1'4' rEpt 1C4".8£.:ov p6J1O" ~A" tt A'Ira. 'Y'YeMEif14 'lr0&"" lid TC,,, 8",a.f1- T'1PlC/J" "OV ~lCt'7TOVJlTOS KPATOVS d,a., ~e 11 J1ci)" If r )'EoJl. AP9PON 3. Ai 8La.1'.L ~·s riis 'lr4POVf1'1S };VP6T,qs . Notapplicable to pc ~ htical, etc., erim•• 8~" f1VJlf'lrA")'o""cu ,,6 8&IC4lC/J1'a., 6'1rCIJS t'1TEiT4& tt hoo",s a,'l-yIC}.tjpa.TCI If ~).'1l'pE).~1'41'4 1I'OM1'OV Xa.P4IC"ijpos If f11J,,4tpfis lI'pOs "0&4&r4 'II'P~EI.S, oMb 8E rpOf1C1Jro" h808b ikp' hca.T~pov If 'lrpOr hcATEPO" Tci)" 'ryq).ci)JI };vpfJa.) .) .o- piJlCIJ" MEpci)P, 8V"AJ.&E& 1'ijs ra.povf11IS };V~IC'1S, 860 IV"4T4' ,,60 1&lC4tT8j • 1'£pClJp718i I,' 1,,),1C).'11'4 if 'II').'1l'pl).'11U' 1f'o).'1'",ijs f'Vf1ECIJS ~r&Tf).EtT8v rp6 1'ijs uMf1ECIJS 4woii. T6 WLao" KPA"OS 1C4L 1'60 1'ICa.tTT~P'a. Toii KPATOVS "OVTOV Aroq:Ja.LJloPTa.& MJI 1'6 I,,),IC).'11'4 If 1'0 "').'1l'pi).'1I'a. dJla., If 3x& rO).&TUCOV