Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/580

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2186 EXTRADITION TREATY-GREECE. MAY 6, 1931. ARTICLE 1. ReclPl'OC>ll delivery It is agreed that the Govern- ofper!ODlJ charged with • specitledcrlmtiS. ment of the Umted States and the Government of Greece shall, upon requisition duly made as herein provided, deliver up to justice any person, who may be charged with, or may have been convicted of, any of the crimes or offenses specified in Article II of the Present Treaty committed within the jurisdiction of one of the High Contracting Parties, and who shall seek an asylum or shall be found within the territories of the other; provided that such sur- render shall take place only upon such evidence of criminality as according to the laws of the piace where tlie f~tive or person 80 charged shall be founa, would justify his apprehension and com- mitment for trial if the crime or offense had been there committed. A.RTICLE II. Extraditable crimes, Persons shall be delivered up etc. accord.in2 to the provisions of the present 'Treaty! who shall have been charged wlth or convicted of any of the following crimes or offenses: Murder. 1. Murder (including crimes designated by the terms parricide, poisoning, infanticide, manslaugh. ter when voluntary). 2. Malicious wounding or in- flicting ~evous bodily harm with premeditation. Rape, etc. 3. Rape, abortion, carnal knowledge of children under the age of fifteen years. Abduction. 4. Abduction or detention of women or girls for immoral pur- poses. Bigamy. 5. Bigamy. Arson. 6. Arson Damages, etc., to 7. Wllful and unlawful destruc- railroads. tion or obstruction of railroads, which endangers human life. Crimesoommitteda& 8. Crimes committed at sea: -. PIracy. (a) Piracy, as commonly known and defined by the law of nations, or by statute; AP9PON I. l;Vl'lPWVEiTIU 31rwS t) 'EX).'1VLIC.q KV{JEP"'1tIU ICo.£ t) KV{JEPV'1O'LS TWV 'HVWI'EVWV IIO).LTELWV 7ro.pd£8wO'Lv, ICo.T' o.tT'1O'LV V7ro{Jo.AOI'Ev'1S O'Vl'lP&J1IWS 7rp6s TaS v7r'6 T7;S 7ro.povO1S J;vJJ8.q ..· ICTIS OPLtOI'EVa.S 8Lo.TV7rWO'ELS, 7riiv 7rp/J- O'W1rOV ICo.Trl'YopoVI'EVoV if ICa.T0.8L- ICo.0'9b ~d 'TLJlL TW' b Tt;; 4pDpCf' 2 T7;f 1ro.poGO'f1s l;VJJ8.qIC'1f El8LICWf OPLtO~VWJI hIC).'I7l'aTWV if 7r).f1I'I'E)."" l'aTWV, TE).E0'8Evn ~VTOf TWV op£wv T7;f 8LICo.O'T'1PLo.l(7;f ap~L6Tf1TOf iVOf TW' 'Tt/tTl).wv l;vpfJo.) .).OI'EvWV ME- pWJI, ICo.£ ICo. To.lPv'Yl)JI if aVo.ICo.).vcp8EJI b·£ 'Toii ~8aqx>Vf Toii iTEpoV. 'H IK- 800'Lf EJI TOVTOLf 8EV 8VVo.'To.L Jla 7rpo.'Yl'o.T07roL7]iJfI ElP, 30'0Ji «0.1'6. 'TOVs JlfiJIQVf T7;f XWpo.f elf fiJi 6.JlE- ICo.) .lJrpIJ'1 0 8£WICOI'EVOf, iJlP£O'To.JlTo., apICETo.£ a1rooEL~ELf bOX7;f 8LICo.LO- ).O'YOii'To.L 'T.qV O'V).) .'1t/t£v Ko.L T .qll Elf 8£"'1V 7ro.po.7rOI'....qJl o.{,Toii Elf 'T.q., 7rEpL7rTWO'LP IC0.8'",v . ,.0 1-y").f11'G ", 7r).TlI'I'E).Tll'o. 8LE1rpaTTE., .0 EJiTOs TWJI opLwJI T7;f XWpo.f Ta.VTf1f. AP9PON 2. 'E«8£80JlTo.£, «o.T6. Taf 8Lo.T6.~ELf T7;f 7ro.poVO1f l;vvfJ.q«'1f, 'T6. 4'01'0. 1'6. 8£w«6I'EJlo. if «o.Ta.8UCo.0'9EJlTo. 8L'~JI TWJI ~7rOI'EvWJI E'YIC).'1l'aTWJI if 1r).TlI'I'E- ).TlI'6.TWJI: 1. cI>OVOJl (Toii 3pov O'VI'1rEPL).o .l'- (JaVOJl'TOf «0.£ 1'6. hKMl'o.To. Tijf 7ro.TPOICTOJlLo.f, lPo.Pl'o.lCE£o.f «0.£ 1ro.L- OOK'TOV£o.f) Iwo.LpeO'LJI. 2. Tpa.Vl'o.To. «0.£ O'Wl'o.ndf fj).a - {Jo.f lIC 1rp08EO'EWf ICo.L 7rPOI'E)'ET'I7f. 3. BLo.O'S£6v, 41'fj).WO'LV, boxovs tTX~O'ELf I'ET6. 1r0.£8£wJI «a'TW TWJI 8~,,0. 7rEvTE lTWJI. 4. 'A1ro.'Yw'Y.qJl «0.£ 1ro.paJlOJIQJI 1ro.po.KpiL'TTlO'LJI 'YVVo.LICWV if VEo.JlL8WV b'aJlTl8l«Cf' 0'«01r"'. 5. AL'Yo.l'£a.V . 6. 'EI'1rPf1O'~JI EIC 1rp08EO'EWf. 7. IIo.paJloJIQJI «0.£ lIC 1rpo8EO'EWS Ko.To.O'TPOlP.qJl if Il'lPp~'JI O'Wf1pOOpol'£· «WJI 'Ypo.l'~JI O'VJlE1ro.'YOI'~Vo.f "Lv8wop 801160TOV. 8. 'E'YICMl'o.To. TE).E0'9EvTo. «0.1'6. 86.).0 .0'0'0.JI. (0.) IIELpo.TELo.JI, c%Is o.~. «OLJlWs bo.'YJlWpLtE'To.£ «o.L «a.(JOpLtETo.L ari Ta 8Le8vij JlOl"l'o. if 'Toils JlOp.ol1f.