Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/559

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CONCILIATION TREATY-GREECE. JUNE 19,1930. 2165 Oonciliation trea.ty between the United State8 o/. America and Gruce. June III. IllIG. Signed at Washington, June 19, 1930; ratification aduised by the Se1lf;teJ June 28, 1930; ratified by .the President, July 21, 1930; ratiJua, by Greece, June 30, 1932; ratifications exchanged at Wash- ington, September 23, 1932; proclaimea, September 26, 1932. By THE PRESIDENT OJ' THE UNITED STATES OJ' AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a treaty of conciliation between the United States of o~OIU.UOD with America and Gre€.ee was concluded and signed by their respective Preamble. Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, the original of which treaty, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Hellenic Republic, being desirous to Btre~then the bonds of amity that bmd them together and also to advance the cause of general peace, have re- solved to enter into a treaty for that purpose, and to that end have appointed as their plenipo- tentianes The President of the United States of America: Mr. Henry L. Stimson Secre- tary of State of the United States of America; and The President of the Hellenic Republic: Mr. Charalambos Simopoulos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of Greece in Washington; who, after havi~ communicated to each other theIr respective full powers,. found to be in ~roper form, have agreed upon ana con- cluded the following articles: ARTICLE I Any disputes arising between the Government of the United States of America and the Govern- ment of Greece, of whatever na- ture they may be, shall, when ordinary diplomatic proceedings Le p!',"-dent dee Etats-Unis d'Ammique et Ie Pr,"-dent de la R~publique hell~nique D~ireux de raffermir lee liens d'amiti~ qui lee relient et aussi de favorlser la cause de la pm g~n~rale, ont r~olu de conclure un trai~ A cee fins, at ont en cons~ quence d~ign~ pour leurs pl~ni­ potentiairee : Le Pr~ident des Etats-Unis d'Ammique: M. Henry L. Stimson, Secr~ taire d'Etat des Etat.s-Unis d'A- mmique; et Le Pr~ident de la R~publique helIenique: M. Charalambos Simo~oulos, Envoy~Extraordinaire etMinistre Plenipotentiaire de Gr~ce a Wash- ington; lesquels, apr~ s'~tre communiqu~ leurs pleins pouvoirs reconnus en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes: ARTICLE I ContracclD& Powers. T diff~ d .. dr' t Disputes submitted oUS ~ren s q Ul Vlen &len. for lnveostlgation and A s'~lever entre Ie gouvernement report to International des Etats-Unis d'AInerique et Ie CommJIIslon. gouvernementdeGrooede quelque nature qu'lls soient, lorsque lee procedes diplomatiques ordinairee