Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/547

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-NORWAY. JUNE 5, 1928. 2153 When an act committed on board of a private vessel under the flag of the State by which the consular officer has been ay- pointed and within the territon81 waters of the State to which he has been a~inted constitutes a crime acco . ~ to the laws of that State, sublectin~ the person guilty thereof to pllDlsh m ent as a crimmal, the consular officer shall not exercise jurisdiction except in so far as he is permitted to do BO by the local law. A consular officer may freely invoke the assistance of the 10c8.l police authorities in any matter pertaining to the maintenance of mternal order on board of a vessel under the flag of his country within the territorial waters of the State to which he is appointed, and upon such a req1:lest the re- quisite assistance shall be given. A consular officer may appear with the officers and crews of ves- sels under the flag of his country before the judici8.l authorities of the State to which he is appointed for the purpose of observmg the proceedings and rendering such assistance as may be permitted by the local laws. ARTICLE XXIII In case of the death of a na- tional of either High Contracting Party in the territory of the other without having in the territory of his decease any known heirs or testamentary executors by him appointed, the competent local authorities shall at. once inform the nearest consular officer of the State of which tha deceased was a national of the f~ct of his death, in order that necessary informa- tion may be forwarded to the parties interested. Likewise in case of the death of a resident of either of the High Contracting Parties in the terri- tory of the other Party from whose remaining papers which may come into the possession of the local authorities, it appears that the decedent was a native of the other High Contracting Party, NAr en handling,_ begAtt om- CrfmIIlD territorial bord pA et privat sIdb under den waten. state flagg av hvilken den konsu- laere tjenestemann er utnevnt og gjerningen har funnet sted innen- for den state sj6territorium til hvilken han er utnevnt, efter sistnevnte lands lover betraktes som en forb:rydeIse der medforer kriminaIstraff for den skyldige person, sA. kan den konsulaere tje- nestemann ikke utove jurisdik- sjon undtagen forsAvidt som han tillates det av den stedlige loygivning. En konsulaer tjenestemann skal Local police aid to fritt kunne pAkalle de stedlige maintain order. poJitimyndiglieters assistanse i hvilken BOm heIst ssk som vedra- rer hAndheveIse av indre orcen ombord pA. skib under hans lands fl~ innenfor den stats sjoterri- tonum til hvem han er utnevnt. PA. sMan anmodning skal den begj aerte assistanse ydes. En konsulaer tjenestemann skal J ~~:'ri i before kunne fremstille sig sammen med u au 0tes. officerer og mannskap tilhorende besetningen. pA . skib under hans lands flagg for rettemyndighetene i det land til hvilk3t han er ut- nevnt for A. folge forhandlingene og A. yde sMan bistand som den stedlige lovgivning tillater. ARTIKKEL XXIII NAr en borger av en av de Boie NoticeofdeathlDon8 Kontraherende Parter dor i det =~fanationaiol annet land uten at der i det land hvor dOdsfallet har funnet sted, finnes kjente arvinger eller av avdode mnsatte testamenteekae- kutorer, skal vedkommende sted- Jige myndigheter straka under- rette den naermeste konsulaere tjenestemann for det land, hvis borger den avdOde var, om hans ded, for at fornoden underretning kan bli sendt til de interesserte parter. Likeledes skal, nA.r en innvAner Duty of local au- av en av de to Boie Kontraher- thorities. ende Parter dor innen den annen parts territorium, og nAr det av sManne av hans efterlatte papirer BOm mA.tte komme i de stedlige myndigheters besiddelse fremgA.r at avdode val" en innfodt av den annen Boie Kontraherende Part,