Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/529

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-NORWAY. JUNE 5,1928. 2135 Treaty and additional article between the United States of America and luna 6, 1928. Norway offriendship, commerce, and conB1dar rights and exchange of February 26,1929. notes concerning the tariff treatment Qf Norwegian sardines. Signed at Washington, June 5, 1928, and February 25, 1929, respectively; ratijication aduised by the Senate, April 5, 1932; ratified by the President of the United States, April 16, 1932; ratified by Norway, July 30, 1932; ratifications exchanged at Washington, September 13, 1932; proclaimed, September 15,1932. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights 00=%:.' ~xn=~ between the United States of America and Norway and an additional ~,.~ts with Nor- article thereto were signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries on the Preamble. fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight and the twenty-fifth day of February, one thoU8&ld nine hundred and twenty-nine, respectively, the originals of which treaty and additional article, being in the English and Norwegian languages, are word for word as follows: The United States of America and the Kingdom of Norway, desirous of stre~ening the bond of peace which happily prevails between them, by arrangements designed to promote friendly in- tercourse between their respective territories through provisions re- sponsive to the spiritual, cultural, economic and commercial aspira- tions of the peoples thereof, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Con- sular Rights and for that purpose hav~ appointed as their plenipo- tentIanes, The President of the United States of America, Mr. Frank B. Kellogg, Secre- tary of Stal.te of the United States of America; and His Majesty the King of Nor- way, Mr. H . H . Bachke, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen- ipotentiary to the United States of America; Who, havin~ communicated to each other thell' full powers found to be in due form, have agreed up- on the following Articles: I onsket om Astyrke det freda- bAnd, som lykkeligVis besth mel- lem Amerikas Forente Stater og Kongeriket Norge ved avtaIer 80m er ~et til A fremme den venskapelige forbindelse mellem deres respektive territorier ved bestemmelser 80m stAr i samklang med deres folks intellektuelle, kulturelle, okonomiske og kom- mersielle bestrebelser, har Ameri. - kas Forente Stater o~ Kongeriket Norge bestemt Big til A. avslutte en Vennskaps- HandeIs- og Kon- sulartraktat og i det oiemed opnevnt somsine befullmektigede: Amerikas Forente Staters Presi- dent, . Herr Frank B. Kellogg, Ameri- kas Forente Staters Statssekre- taer; og Hans Majestet Kongen av Norge, Herr H. H . Bachke, Hans Over- ordentlige Sendemann og Befuld- mektigede Minister; 80m, efter A ha utvekslet sine fullmakter der blev funnet A vaere i behorig form, er kommet overens om folgende artikler: Contracting Powers. Plenipotentiaries.