Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/483

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. 2089 Les moyens de transport mili- taires, autres que ceux du service de s&nM, pourront ~tre captur6s, avec leurs attel~es. La personnel civil et tous les mosens de transport provenant de Ia r~uisition seront soumis aux regles ghlerales du droit des gens. ARTICLE 18. Les appareils aeriens utilises comme moyens de transport sani- taire jouiront de la protection de la Convention pend&nt Ie temps ou ils seront exclusivement re- serves Al'evacuation des blesses et des malades, au transp<?rt du personnel et du materiel sani- taires. lIs seront peints en blanc et porteront ostensiblement Ie signe distinctif prevu A l'article 19, A caM des couleurs nationales, sur leurs faces inferieure et superieure. Sauf licence speciale et expresse, Ie survol de la ligne de feu et de la zone situee en avant des grands postes medicaux de triage, ainsi que, d'une mani~re ~enerale, de tout territoire ennenu ou occupe par l'ennemi sera interdit. Les appareils sanitaires aeriens devront obeir A toute sommation d'atterrir. En cas d'atterrissage ainsi im- pose ou fortuit sur territoire ennemi ou occupe par l'ennemi, les blesses et les malades, de m@me que Ie personnel et Ie materiel sanitaires, y .compris l'appareil amen, demeureront au benefice des dispositions de la presente Convention. Les pilote, les manamvres et les operateurs de MMgrapbie sans fil (T. S. F .) captures seront rendus, Ala condition qu'ils ne soient plus utilises, jusqu'A la fin des h08tili- tes, que dans Ie service sanitaire. CHAPITRE VI. Du signe distinctij. ARTICLE 19. Par hommage pour 1a Suisse, Ie signe heraldique de la croix rouge sur fond blanc, form.s par inter- Military means of transport&- e~~ ftbJcIeI, tion and their teams, other than those belonging to the sanitary service, mar. be captured. The civil personnel and all Civil penormel, etc. means of transportation obtained by requisition shall be subject to the general rules of international law. ARTICLE 18. ~raft used as.a means of ev~nof'=oo!t samtary transportatlon shall en- etc. joy the protection of the Con- vention during such time as they are exclusively reserved for the evacuation of wounded and sick and for the transportation of sanitary personnel and materiel. They shall be painted in white DisUDcUve lip, etc. and shall bear clearly visible the distinctive sign mentioned in Arti- cle 19 alongside of the national colors on their upper and lower surfaces. Excep~g ~th sp~cial and ex- l~t!' n:t:cted~1II press permlSSlon, a flight over the . firing-line, as well as over the zone situated in front of the major medical dressing stations, and in general over any territory under the control of or occupied by the enemy shall be forbidden. Sanitary aircraft must comply BummoDB to laud. with all sUmmons to land. In the case of a landing thus LandiDg uroneDell17 required or made accidentally territory. upon territory occupied by the enemy, the wounded and sick, as well as the sanitary personnel and materiel, including the air- craft, shall benefit by the provi- sions of the present Convention. The pilot, mechanics, and wire- Conditional return 01 less. operators who have been captured pUGt, etc. captured shall be returned on con- dition of only being utilized in the sanitary service until the termi- nation of hostilities. CHAPTER VI. TM Distinct~ DistInctIve Bien. Sign. ARTICLE 19. Out of respect to Switzerland Emblem of IaIll1ar7 the heraldic emblem of the red aervice. cross on a whit.e ground, formed