Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/480

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2086 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. Volunteer aid socie- ties. Ante, p. 208Ii. ARTICLE 10. Est assimile au personnel vise a l'alinea 1er de l'article 9 Ie per- sonnel des societes de secours volontaires, d1lment reconnues et autorisees par leur Gouverne- ment qui sera e~ploye aux m~mes fonctions que celles du personnel vise au dit alinea, sous la reserve que Ie personnel de ces societes sera soumis aux lois et regle- ments militaires. Names of, to be Ch HtPt'C made known before aque aue ar Ie on- employment. tractante notifiera a l'autre, soit des Ie temps de pm, soit al'ouver- ture ou au cours des hostilites, en tout cas avant tout emploi ef- fectif,les noms des societes qu'elle aura autorisees a pr~ter leur con- cours, so us sa responsabilite, au service sanitaire officiel de ses armees. ARTICLE 11. Services of societies Url'e societe reconnue d'un pays of neutral State re- 1 stricted. neutre ne pourra pr~ter e con- cours de son personnel et de ses formations sanitaires a un bellige- rant qu'avec l'assentiment prea- labIe de son propre Gouvernement et l'autorisation du belligerant lui-m~me. Notice thereof to Le belligerant qui aura accepte enemy. Ie secours sera tenu, avant tout emploi, d'en faire la notification al'ennemi. Not to be detained alter capture. Return. ARTICLE 12. Les personnes designees dans les articles 9, 10 et 11 ne pour- ront ~tre retenues apres qu'elles seront tombees au pouvoir de la partie adverse. Sauf accord contraire, elles se- ront renvoyees au belligerant dont elles relevent des qu'une voie sera ouverte pour leur retour et que las exigences militaires Ie permet- tront. Continuance of serv- En attendant leur renvoi, elles Ice ad Interim. continueront a remplir leurs fonc- tions sous la direction de la partie adverse; elles seront de preference affectees aux soins des blesses et des malades du belligerant dont elles relevent. ARTICLE 10. The personnel of volunteer aid societies, duly recognized and au- thorized by their Government, who are employed in the Bame functions as the personnel con- templated in Article 9, paragraph 1, are assimilated to that person- nel upon condition that the said societies shall be subject to mili- tary laws and regulations. Each High Contracting Party shall make known to the other, either in time of peace or at the openin~ or during the progress of hostilitIes, and in any case before actual employment, the names of the societies which it has author- ized to render assistance, under its responsibility, in the official sanitary service of its armies. ARTICLE 11. A recugnized society of a neu- tral country may only lend the services of its sanitary personnel and formations to a belligerent with the prior consent of its own Government and the authority of such belligerent. The belligerent who has ac- cepted such assistance shall be required to notify the enemy before making any use thereof. ARTICLE 12. The persons described in Ar- ticles 9, 10 and 11 may not be detained after they have fallen into the power of the adversary. Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, they shall be sent back to the belligerent to whose service they are attached as soon as a way is open for their return and military exigencies permit. While waiting to be returned, they shall continue in the exercise of their functions under the direc- tion of the adversary; they shall be assigned preferably to the care of the wounded and sick of the belligerent to whose service they are attached.