Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/474

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i080 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-SICK,WOUNDED. JULY 27,1929. O:::20:49, 11 June 2014 (UTC)Dtlariea- LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS DU MEXIQUE: S. Exc. M . Francisco Castillo NlI.jera, General Medecin1 En- voye extraordinaire et Mmistre pIenipotentiaire du Mexique 3. Bruxelles; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE NICARAGUA: M. Antoine Sottile, Dr en Droit, DeJ.egue permanent de Nicaragua aupr~ de 180 Societe des Nations; SA MAJEaTE LE ROI DE NORVEGE: S. Exc. M . Johannes Irgens, Envoye extraordinaire et Minis- tre pJ.enipotentiaire de Norvege 3. Berne, Rome et Athenes, M. Jens Christian Meinich, Commandant d'Infanterie, Secra- taire general de If.), Croix-Rouge norvegienne; SA MAJESTE LA REINE DES PAYS- BAS: S. Exc. M . Willem Isaac Doude van Troost'!ijk, Envoye extraor- dinaire et Ministre plenipoten- tiaire des Pays-Bas 3. Berne, M. Johan Carl Diehl, Major- General, Medecin Inspecteur ge- neral du Service de Sante de l'Armee, Vice-President de 180 Croix-Rouge neerlandaise, M. Jacob Harberts, Comman- dant a l'Etat-Major general, Pro- fesseur 3. l'Ecole superieure de Guerre; SA MAJESTE IMPERIALE LE SHAH DE PERSE: S. Exc. M . Anouchirevan Khan Sepahbodi, Envoye extnc.,')!'di- narre et Ministre pIenipotentiaire. de Perse a Berne; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE POLOGNE: M. Jose{>h Gabriel Pracki, Colo- nel Medecm, M. W . Jerzy Babecki, Lieute- nant-Colonel; THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF MEXICO: His Excellency Sr. Francisco Castillo Najera, Surgeon General, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of Mexico at Brussels; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA: Sr. Antoine Sottile, Doctor of Laws, Permanent Delegate of Nicaragua to the League of Nations; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF NOR- WAY: His Excellency Mr. Johannes IlJens, Envoy Extraordinary and Mmister Plenipotentiary of Nor- way at Berne, Rome, and Athens, Mr. Jens Christian Meinich, Commandant of Infantry, Secre- tary General of the Norwegian Red Cross; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS: His Excellency Mr. Willem Isaac Doude van froostwijk, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of the Nether- lands at Berne, Major-General Johan Carl Diehl, Inspector-General of the Medical Corps of the Army, Vice President of the Netherland Red Cross; Mr. Jacob Harberts, Comman- dant of the General Staff, Profes- sor at the War College; HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY THE SHAH OF PERSIA: His Excellency M. Anouchire- van Sepahb?~i, Envo;y Extraordinary and MlDlster Plem- potentiary of Persia at Berne; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND: Colonel Joseph Gabriel Pracki, Medical Corps, Lieutenant-Colonel W. Jerzy Babecki;