Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/452

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2058 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULY 27,1929. ment leur tAche d'humanite. Les delegu~ de ces socie~ pourront ~tre admis a distribuer des secours dans les camps, ainsi qu'aux lieux d'etape des prisonniers rapatries, moyennant une permission per- sonnelle delivree par l'autorite militaire et en prenant l'engage- ment, par ecrit, de se soumettre A toutes les mesures d'ordre et de police que celle-ci prescrirait. ARTICLE 79. Central inlormatlon U ne agence centrale de ren- aTarmstroBot (talk);Uzation or, in seignements sur les prisonniers de neutral country. guerre sera creee en :pays neutre. Le Comite internatIOnal de la Croix-Rouge proposera aux Puis- sances interessees, s'il Ie juge necessaire, l'organisation d'une telle agence. FuDctlon. Cette agence sera chargee de concentrer tous les rensei~ne­ ments, interedsant les prisonmers, qU'elie pourra, obtenir par les voies officielles ou privees; elle les transmettra Ie plus rapide- ment possible au pays d'origine des prisohlliers ou a la Puissance qu'ils auront servie. Red Cross activities Ces dispositions ne devront pas notabrldged. etre interpretees comme restrei- Franking privilege. Ante, p. 2043. gnant l'activite humanitaire du Conute international de la Croix- Rouge. ARTICLE 80. Les bureaux de renseignements jouiront de la franchise de port en matiere postale, ainsi que de toutes exemptions prevues al'ar- ticle 38. imposed by military necessities. Agents of these soCleties may be admitted to the camps for the purpose of distributing relief, 8.d also to the halting places of repa- triated prisoners, if furnished with a personal permit by the military authorities, and on giving an undertaking in writing to com- ply with all measures of order and police which the latter may issue. ARTICLE 79. A central information agency for prisoners of war shall be created in a neutral country. The International Committee of the Red Cross shall propose the organization of such an agency to the interested Powers, if it considers it necessary. The fUllction of that agency shall be to centralize all informa- tion respecting prisonel'8, which it may obtain through official or private channels; it shall trans- mit it as quickly as possible to the country of origin of the pris- oners or to the Power which they have served. These provisions must not be interpreted as restricting the hu- manitarian activity of the Inter- national Committee of the Red Cross. ARTICLE 80. Information bureaus shall en- joy the privilege of freepostnge on postal matter, as well as all exemptions provided in Article 38. TITRE VII. DE L'APPLICATION TITLE VII. APPLICATION OF DE LA CONVENTION A CER- THE CONVENTION TO CER- TAINES CAT:mGORIES DE CI- TAIN CLASSES OF CIVILIANS. VILS. ARTICLE 81. AP~c;a!on to car- Les individus qui suivent les tain of civilians. f ~~ f' dir orces armt:t::s sans en arre ec- tement partie, tels que les corres- pondants, les reporters de jour- naux, les vivandiers, les foU"nis- seurs, qui tomberont au pouvoir de l'ennemi et que celui-cl jugera utile de detenir, auront droit au traitement des prisonniers de guerre, a condition qu'lls soient ARTICLE 81. Individuals who follow armed forces without directly belonging theret(), such as newspaper cor- respondents and reporters, sutlers, contractors, who fall into the enemy's hands and whom the latter thinks expedient to detain, shall be entitled to be treated as prisoners of war, provided they are in possession of a certificate