Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/439

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WARPRISONERH. JULY 27,1929. 2045 ments destines aux prisonniers de guerre ou 8ign~ par eux, en particulier des procurations et des testaments. TIs prendront les mesures nkes- saires pour assurer, en cas de besoinJ la 16galisation des signa- tures <1onnoos par les prisonniers. intended for prisoners of war or signed by them, particularly of powers of attorney and wills. They shall take the necessary mensures to assure, in case of necessity, the authentication of signatures made by prisoners. SECTION V. DES RAPPORTS DES SECTION V. PRISONERS' RELA- WI~th='C1118 PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE AVEC TIONS WITH THE AUTHORITIES. LES AUTORITES. CHAPITRE PREMIER.- Des plaimes CHAPTER 1. OomplainJ.8 of Prison- des prisonniers de {/'lUrre d er8 oj War beca'UBe oj the Ooruli- raison du regime de la captivit~. tions oj Oaptivity. ARTICLE 42. Les prisonniers de guerre au- ront Ie droit de fsire connaitre aux autorites militaires sous Ie pouvoir desquelles ils se trouvent leurs requ~tes concernant Ie re- gime de captivite auquel ils sont Soumis. TIs auront egalement Ie droit de s'adresser aux representants des Puissances protectrices pour leur signaler les points sur lesquels ils auraient des plaintR,s a. formuler a. l'egard du regime do la captivite. Ces requ~tes et reclamations devront ~tre transmises d'urgence. M~me si elles sont reconnues non fond~,s, elles ne pourront donner lieu a. aucune punition. ARTICLE 42. Prisoners of war shall have the ComDlaints of Jll'II- . h 'nf h mili' oners of war becau8e of ngtto1ormte tary conditioDlofcaptivity. authorities in whose power they are of their requests with regard to the conditions of captivity to which they are subjected. They shall also have the right to address themselves to represent- atives of the protecting Powers to indicate to them the points on which they have compl&inte to formulate with regard to the con- ditions of captivity. These requests and complaints must be transmitted immediately. Even if they are recognized to be unfounded, they may not occasion any punishment. CHAPITRE 2. -Des represemams CHAPTER 2. Representatives oj des prisonniers de {/'lUrre. Prisoners oj War. ARTICLE 43. Dans toute localite 011 se trou- veront des prisonniers de guerre, ceux-ci seront autorises a. designer des hommes de confiance charges de les representer vis-A -vis des autorites militaires et des Puis- sances protectrices. Cette designation sera soumise al'approbation de l'autorite mill- taira. Les hommes de confiance seront charges de la reception et de la repartition des envois collectifs. De m~me, au cas 011 les prisonniers decideraient d'organiser entre eux ARTICLE 48. ~n every place where there are p~=:'~ar~ of pnsoners of war, they shall be allowed to appoint a~ents en- trusted. with representing them directly with military autborities and protecting Powers. This appointment shall be sub- ject to the approval of the mili- tary authority. The agents shall be entrusted with the reception and distri- bution of collective shipments. Likewise, in case the prisoners should decide to organize a mutual