Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/436

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2042 MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS.•JULY 27,1929. Wages. concerne les conditions hygieni- ques, 1a nourriture, les soins en cas d'accident ou de maladie,la corres- pondance et la reception des colis. Tout detachment de travail relevera d'un carap de prisonniers. La commandant de ce camp sera responsable de l'observatwn, dans Ie detachement de travail, des dis- positions de la presente Conven- tion. CHAPITRE 5. - Du salaire. ARTICLE 34. No pay for camp Las prisonniers de guerre ne work. recevront pas de salaire pour Ies travaux concernant I'administra- tion, l'amenagement et l'entretien des camps. Wages for other work. Las prisonniers employes Ad'au- tres travaux auront droIt Aun sa- laire a fixer par des accords entre les belligerants. Use or. Ces accords specifieront egale- ment Ia part que l'administration du camp pourra retenir, Ia somme qui appartiendra au prisonnier de guerra et Ia mamere dont cette somme sera mise a sa disposition pendant la duree de sa captivite. Provisional rules. En attendant la conclusion des dits accords, Ia retlibution du travail des prisonniers sera fixee selon les normes ci-dessous: Rate for State. a) Las travaux faits pour l'Ete.t seront payes d'apres les tarifs en vigueur pour les militaires de l'armee nationale executant les m~mes travaux, ou, s'iI n'en existe pas, d'apres un tarif en rapport avec les travaux executes. Other public or pri- b) Lorsque les travaux ont lieu vate enterprises. pour Ie compte d'autres adminis- trations publiques ou pour des particuliers, les conditions en seront regless d'accord avec l'au- torite militaire. DelIvery of remain- Le solde restant au credit du ingpay. prisonnier lui sera remis A la fin de sa captivite. En cas de deces, il sera transmis par la voie diplo- matique aux heritiers du defunt. ditions, food, attention in case of accident or sickness, correspond- ence and the receipt of packages. Every labor detachment shall be dependent on a prisoners' camp. The commander of this camp shall be responsible for the observation, in the labor detach- ment, of the provisions of the present Convention. CHAPTER 5. Wages. ARTICLE 34. Prisoners of war shall not re- ceive wages for work connected with the administration, manage- ment and maintenance of the camps. Prisoners utilized for other work shall be entitled to wages to be fixed by agreements between the belligerents. These agreements shall also specify the part which the camp a.dministration may retain, the amount which shall belong to the prisoner of war and the manner in which that amount shall be 1,>ut at his disposal during the penod of his captivity. While awaiting the conclusion of the said agreements. payment for labor of prisoners shall be settled according to the rules given below: a) Work done for the State shall be paid for in accordance with the rates in force for soldiers of the national army doing the same work, or, if none exists, ac- cording to a rate in harmony with the work performed. b) When the work is done for the account of other public ad- ministrations or for private per- SO~t conditions shall be regu- lated. by agreement with the military authority. The pay remaining to the credit of the prisoner shall be de- livered to him at the end of his captivity. In case of death, it shall be forwarded through the diplomatic channel to the heirs of the deceased.