Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/349

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV . 10, 1931. 1955 VOTOS DEL CONGRESO RESOLUTIONS OF THE ReIIolutloal of tile CONGRESS Concreea. El Tercer Congreso Postal Pan- The Third Pan American Postal americano recomienda a todos Congress recommends to all the los pafses que forman esta Uni6n: countries forming this Union: I Que constituyendo el servicio de encomiendas postales un medio <J.ue facilita las relaciones comer- clales entre los pafses contra- tantes, seria conveniente derogar cuantos requisitos signifiquen una restricci6n para 18 electividad de dicho serocio y suprimir la exi- gencia de facturas y visados con- sulares, asf como los certificados de origen, para las encomiendas cuyo valor no exceda de 150 francos oro a. su equivalencia. II Que en vista de que los anun- cios constituyen un medio de divul~aci6n util y conveniente, que tlende a aumentar el conoci- miento de los pueblos, el Congreso opina que los envios de esa naturaleza deberian ser trans- portados en el serocio pC; stal mternacional, sin estar sujetos a derechos aduaneros 0 a requisitos que tiendan a limitar sus fines. III Que las Admjnistraciones de la Uru6n Postal de las Americas y EspaD.a creen, a series posible, una Oficina de Informaci6n en la sede de las Centrales de Correos, con un sal6n de lectura, en el cua! se pongan a disposici6n del publico libros, diarios, revistas y publicaciones en general de los distintos paises de la Uni6n, ra- mitidos gratuitamente, por los Gobiernos, Empresas editoras, autores, etc. I That, as the parcel-post service tic!s.boUtioo of IIItrto- constitutes a medium which facil- itates commercial relations among the contracting countries, it would be convenient to abolish all re- 9.uirements which signify a restric- tIOn on the effectiveness of said service and to abolish the require- ment for consular invoices and ~u::r 1Il9Oloel, visas, as well as certificates of ' origin, for parcels whose value does not exceed 150 gold francs or its equivalent. II In view of the" fact that adver- TransIt 01 advwtiaeo . . f mm~ tISements COnstItute a use ul and convenient medium for the spreading of information which tends to increase the knowledge of the peoples, the Congress is of the opInion that articles of that nature should be transported in the international postal service without being subject to customs duties or to reqUIrements which tend to limit their aims. III That the Administrations of the Information Office III P.alU' fhAm' d central post offices. ost mon0te erlCas an Spain should create, if possible, an Information Office in the Cen- tral Post Offices, with a reading room in which should be placed at the disposal of the publiCI books, newspapers, magazines and publications in general of the dif- ferent countries of the Union, sent gratuitously by the Governments, publishing companies, authors, etc.