Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/345

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV . 10, 1931. 1951 DISPOSICIONES RELATIVAS AL TRANSPORTE DE LA CORRESPONDENCIA POR vtAAEREA Las Altas partes contratantes convienen en adoptar las siguien- tes disposiciones, relativas al trans- porte por via serea: ARTfcULO 1 La totalidad de las lineas weas internas e internacionales que di- recta 0 indirectamente dependan de una Administraci6n y se utili- cen para el transporte de la corres- pondencia, seran puestas a dispo- sici6n de las demas, sobre la base de tarifas y condiciones generales uniformes para todas aquellas Admjnjstraciones que utilicen es- tos servicios sin participar en los gastos de explotaci6n. ARTfcULO 2 La disposici6n ant6ri.or no res- tringe ni &minora la facultad de las Altas partes contratantes para concertar entre sf Convenios par- ticulares que no interesen a1 con- junto de la Uni6n y siempre que sus clausulas no sean menos fa- vorables gue las contenidas en el presente Reglamento. ARtiCULO 3 Las Administraciones postales de los paises contratantes gestio- naran de sus Gobiernos respecti- vos que las disposiciones restricti- vas impuestas a las aeronaves en transito en ning11n caso lleguen al extremo de impedir Ie. recepci6n de la correspondencia que aquellas transporten, ya sea con destino &1 mismo pais 0 para ser reexpedida fuera de su territorio, utilizando a este efecto la via convenida por las partes interesadas. PROViSIONS RELATIVE TO tU~oy,y': THE TRANSPORTATION . OF CORRESPONDENCE BY AIR The high contracting parties ~ee to adopt the following pro- VISions relatlve to transportation by air. ARTICLE 1 The whole of the domestic and UWflatioDofalrliuee . . al.lin hih subordiDate &0 lID Ado mternation air es w c are miDIItlaUoD. directly or indirectly subordinate to an Administration and which are used for the transportation of correspondence shall be placed at the diSposal of the others, on the basis of rates and conditions generally uniform for all those Adminjstrations which utilize these services without partici- pating in the expenses of opera- tion. ARTICLE 2 The previous provision does not restrict or dimmish the power of the ~h contracting parties to conclude amon~ themselves indi- vidual Conventions which do not concern the Union as a whole, provided that their clauses are not less favorable than those con- tamed in the present Regulations. ARTICLE 3 8pec1al...... ,ta. The Postal Administrations of . Restrictive the contracting countries shall SlODS. take steps with their respective Governments so that the restric- tive provisions placed upon air- craft in transit may in no ease reach the extreme of preventing the receipt of the mail which they transport, either destined for the same country, or to bereforwarded outside ofits territory, utilizing for this purpose the route agreed upon by the parties ('oncerned.