Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/343

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. 1949 ARTfcULO 13 ARTICLE 13 Modijicacioms en el interoalo de Modifications in the interoal be- las reunioms de los Oongresos tween meetings oj Oongresses En el intervalo que transcurra entre las reuniones de los Con- gresos, toda Administraci6n ten- dra derecho a formuJar proJ>o- siciones relativas al presente Re- glamento, siguiendo e1 procedi- miento indicado en el articulo 18 del Convenio vifente de la Uni6n Postal Universa . Para que tengan fuerza ejecu- tiva esas proposiciones, deberan reunir los dos tercios de los votos emitidos. ARTfcULO 14 In the interval which transpi!-es Formulation or propo • osltlona ror modiftca.. between the meetmgs of Con- tlon. gresses, each Administration will have the right to formulate prop- ositions relative to the present Regulations, following the pro- Vol. 48 , p. 2&M. ceaure indicated in Article 18 of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union in force. In order to become effective, those propositions must obtain two-thirds of the votes cast. ARTICLE 14 AplicacWn del Oonvenio Postal Application oj the Universal Postal Universal y de La LegislaciOn Convention a'TUl domestic kgis- interna lation 1. Todos los asuntos que se relacionen con el cambio de corres- pondencia entre los paises con- tratantes y que no esten previstos en este Reglamento, se sujetaran a las disposiciones del Regla- mento del Convenio vigente de la Uni6n Postal Universal. 2. Igualmente, la legislaci6n interior de los mismos paises se aplicara en todo aquello que no haya sido determinado por ambos Reglamentos. ARTfcULO 15 1 All matters in connection Application or um. •• veni8J Postal Union. WIth the exchange of correspond- ence among the contracting coun- tries which are not provided for in these Regulations will be sub- ject to the stipulations of the Regulations of the Convention of the Universal Postal Union in force. 2. Likewise, the domestic legis- Domestio legislation. lation of the same countries will be applicable in everything that has not been determined by either set of Regulations. ARTICLE 15 Ouentas y gast08 de La O.ficina Account a'TUl expenses oj the Inter- Internacional de Montevideo national OjJiCe oj Montevideo 1. La Administraci6n general de Correos, Telegrafos y TelMonos de 1a Republica Oriental del Uruguay formulara anualmente la cuenta de los gastos a que se refiere el articulo 18 del Con- venio, y, de acuerdo con este, las Administraciones contratantes re- integraran las sumas que haya anticipado. 2. La Oficina Internacional practicara la liquidaci6n de las cuentas relativas a los serncios que se ejecuten entre los pafses 1. The Administration of Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones of the Republic of Uruguay will prepare annually the account of the ex- penses referred to by Article 18 of the Convention, and, in con- formity with this Article, the contracting Administrations will reimburse the sums which it has advanced. 2. The International Office will effect the settlement of accounts relative to services carried on among the contracting countries, Account of expeI1!8S. Ante, p. 1932. Settlement of.