Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/333

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POSTAL CONVENTION-AMERICAS AND SPAIN. NOV. 10, 1931. 193~ PROTOCOLO FINAL DEL CONVENIO En el momento de firmar el Convenio celebrado por el Tercer Congreso PostaJ Panamericano, los Plenipotenciarios CJue suscri- ben han convenido 10 slguiente: I 1. Chile, Ecuador y Peru se reservan, con caracter transitorio, el derecho de mantener las tarifas que actualmente aplican en sus relaciones con la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana, tanto para Ia correspondencia. ordinaria como para Ia certificada. 2. Los Estados Unidos de Am~­ rica, con caracter transitorio, se reservan el derec.ho de aumentar, en cuantia no superior a150%, sus tarifas actuales para los pafses de la Uni6n Postal de las Americas y Espana hasta tanto que puedan efectuar un aumento correspon- diente en sus tarifas interiores. II El Brasil hace constar que su Admjnistraci6n no puede reco- nocer a la Oficina Int6macional de Montevideo atribuciones supe- riores a las que el Convenio de la Uni6n Postal Universal concede ::". au Oficina de Bema. III Con relaci6n al artICulo 24 del Convenio, los Estados Unidos de America se reservan compJeta libertad de acci6n en los Congresos de la Uni6n Postal Universal. FINAL PROTOCOL OF THE c:~t1:tooolOftbe CONVENTION . At the moment of signing the Convention concluded by the Third Pan-American Postal Con- gress, the undersigned Plenipo- tentiaries have agreed upon the following: I 1. Chile, Ecuador and Peru, as a temporary measure, reserve the right to maintain the rates now applicable in their relations with the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, for both ordinary and registered correspondence. 2. The United States of Amer- ica, as a transitory measure, reserves the right to mcrease, by no more than 50. per cent, its present rates for countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, until it can effect a corre- sponding increase in its domestic rates. II Brazil records the fact· that its Administration can not recognize the International Office of :Monte- video as having attributions greater than those which the Universal Postal Convention grants to its Office of Berne. III In connection with Article 24 of the Convention, the United States of America reserves com- plete liberty of action in Univer- Sal Postal Congresses.