Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/313

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CLAIMS CONVENTION-PANAMA. JULY 28,1926. the event of the member omitting or ceasing to act as such, the same lUhiure shall be followed for . the vacancy as was fol- lowe in appointing him. ARTICLE II. The Commissioners so named shall meet at Washington for organization within six months after the exchange of ratifications of this Convention, and each member of the Commission before entering upon his duties, shall make and subscribe a solemn declaration stating that he will carefully and impartially examine and decide according to the best of his judgment and in accord- ance WIth the principles of inter- national law, justice and equity, all claims presented for his deci- sion, and such dec1aration shall be entered upon the record of the proceedings of the Commission. The Commission may fix the time and place of its subsequent meetings, either in the United States or in Panama as may be convenient, subject always to the special instructions of the two Governments. ARTICLE III. The Commission shall have authority by the decision of the majority of its members to adopt sucn rules for its proceedings as may be deemed expedient and necessary, not in conflict with any of the provisions of this Convention. Each Government may nomi- nate agents or counsel who will be 'authorized to present to the Commission orally or in writing, all the arguments deemed expe- dient in favor of or against anI claim. The agents or couns~1 of either Government may offer to the Commission any docu- ments, affidavits, int~ITo~atories or other evidence desired m favor of or against any claim and shall have the right to examine wit- que alguno de ellos deje de aetuar en ese caracter 0 cese en el ejer- cicio de sus funciones, para Ilenar la vacante sa seguid. el mismo procedimiento establecido para. el nombramiento. ARTiCULO II. La Comisi6n asl nombrada Be reunira en Wasbington con el fin de organizarse, dentro de los seis meses siguientes al canje de ratificaeionea de eats Conven- ci6n, y cada miembro de la Co- misi6n, antes de comenzar sus labores, hara y suscribira una declaraei6n solemne en que conste que considerara y fallara cuida- dosa e imparcialniente, de aeueMo con su mejor criterio y sag6n los principios del Dereclio Interna- cional, de la iusticia y de la equidad, todas las reclamaclones sometidas a su fallo, y de dicha declaraci6n sa dej sri. constancia en las aetas de la Comisi6n. La Comisi6n podra fijar el tiempo y lugar de sus reuniones subslguientes, bien en los Ea- tados Unidos 0 en Panama, sag6n convenga, sujeta siempre a las instrucciones especiales de los dos Gobiernos. ARTiCULO III. Por resoluci6n de la mayorla de sus miembros, la Comisi6n podra eatablecer las reglas de procedimiento que eatime con- venientes y necesarias, siempre que no esMn en pugna con las estipulaciones de ests Conven- ci6n. Cada Gobierno podra nombrar representantes 0 abogados que eataran autorizados para pre- sentar a la Comisi6n, oralm~nte o :por escrito, 108 alegatos que eatimen oportunos, en pro 0 en contra de cualquiera reclamacl6n. Los re1?resentantes 0 abogados de cualqwera de los dos Gobiernos podran presentar a la Comisi6n los documentos, declaraciones juradas, interrogatorios y demas pruebas que deseen en favor 0 en 1919 Procedure, etc.