Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/287

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TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. 1893 official use in the consular offices of the other; and to extend to such consulttr officers of the other and their families and suites as are its nationals, the privilege of entry free (\f duty of their per- Ronal or household effects actually in use which a~company such consular officers, their families or suites, or which arrive shortly thereafter, provided, neverthe- les.'l, that no article, the import<;. - tion of which is rrohibited by the law of eithe't' 0 the High Con- tracting Parties, may be brought into its territories. It is understood, however, that this pri ruege shall not be ex- tended to consular officers who are engaged in any private occu- pation for gain in the countries to which they are accredited, save with respect to governmental supplies. ARTICLE XXII. SUbject to any limitation or exception herein- above set forth, or hereafter to be Rg-::-eed upon, the territories of the High Contracting Parties to which the provisions of this Treaty extend shall be understood to comprise all areas of land, water, and air over which the Parties claim and exercise domin- ion as sovereign thereof', except the Panama Canal Zone. ARTICLE XXIII. Nothing in the present Treaty shall be con- stru6d to limit or restrict in any way the rights, privileges and advantages accorded to the United States or its nationals or to Austria or its nati~nals by the Treaty between the United States and Austria establishing friendly relations, concluded on August 24, 1921. ARTICLE XXIV. The present Treaty shall remain in full force for the term of six years from the date of the exchange of ratifica- tions, on which date it shall begin to take effect in all of its provi- sions. finb, giinaIid) aollfrei unb o~ne ieglid)e Unterfud}ung einauftl~ren. <in ge. mii~rt ben jfonfularbeamten bet anbeten ~eilef, bie beffen <5tQQt~nge~6rlge fiub, fomie i~ren ~amilien unb ~rer .sBe. gleitung ba~ Sled)t bet aollfreien ~in­ fu~r ~r~ gebrauli)ten perfijnlid}en ~igentum~ unb ilbetfieblung~ut~, ba~ gleid}aeitig mit biefen ~o!1fularbeam.. ten, i~ten ~amilien ober ~ter .sBe.. Exceptions. gleitung einlangt ober binnen ange# meffener ~rlft nnd}folgt, iebod} mit bet ~infd}riinfung, ban fein ®egenftanb, beffen ~nfu~r hurd} ba~ ®efd~ eiale~ ber [)eihen ~ol)en bertragfd}lienenben Xeile ber~ote:n ift, in beffen ®ebiet gebrad}t merben barf. ~~ betfte~t fid} jehod}, ban biefe 5&r# sJl~pTarmstroBot (talk)fe b~ln~' gtlnftigung benienigen ~onfularbeam.. . ten nid}t aufte~t, bie in ben ~iit'.bmt, in benen fie beglaubtgt finb, eine ~rlbate ~rb~tiitigfeit cr&1~tlben, e~ fei benn, ban e~ fid} um seebatf~egen.. ftiinbe au amtlid}en .smeden ~anbelt. ~mfel XXII. $orbe~altlid} bet im $orfte~enben genannten oba ftlnftig nod} au bereinbtmnben mefd}riinfungen obet ~u~RQbmen gelten al~ ®ebiete ber boben bertragfd}(ienenben ~eile, auf meld}e bie .sBeftimmungen biefe~ mer.. trag~ ~nmenbung finben follen, aIle bieienigen ~anb# unb 5illaffetflddjen, fomie biejenigen ~uftriiume, fiber roeld}e biefe 58ertrag~teile fouuerline ®eroalt beanfl>rud}en unb au~tlben, QU~genom# men bie ~aRQmafaRQlaone. Area embl"..ced. Q"(......:r 1 XXIII CYl',:i,tR. i b' r Rights, etc., under UUL e • :ILl", 111 n lelem former Treaty not im· $ertrag foll im ~inne irgenbeiner paired. ~infd}riinfung obet ~tlraung betieni.. gen Sled}te, 58ergtlnftigungen unb $or.. teile au~elegt merben, bie ben $ereinig.. ten <5taaten oher ~ren <5taat!ange.. ~6rlgen ober t>fterreid} ober feinen <5taat~ange~ijrlgen hurd} ben am 24. Vol.~, p. IIH6. ~ueuft 1921 a..mifd}en ben 58ereinigten ~taaten unb ()ftetreid) abgefd}loffenen 5&rtrog aur ~tellung freunbfd}aft .. Iid}er .sBeaie~ungen geroli~rt morben finb. ~mrel XXIV. ~ gegenmdmge 20:17, 11 June 2014 (UTC)896. $ertrag foll filr einm .Beitraum bon fed}~ 3a~fen, beginnenb mit bem Xage b~ ~u~taufd}e~ bet 9latif\fation6ur.. runben, in DOUet Rraft b1eibm. In biefem Xage foll et in allen feinen .sBeftimmungen in @eltung tmen.