Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/284

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1890 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. .~d interim oftlcers. character within the countrv where such offices are located. Nor shall the authoritie& under any pretext maka any examina- tion or seizure of papers or other property deposited within a oon- Sular office. ~nsu1ar offices shall not be used 8S places of asylum. No consular officer shall be re- quired to produce official archives in court or testify as to their con- tents. Upon the death, incapacity, or absence of a consular offic~'l' bav- ing no subordinate consular officer at his post, secretaries or chan- cellors, whose official character may have previously been made known to the government of the State where the consular function was exercised, may temporarily exercise the consular function of the deceased or incapacitated or absent consular officer; and while so acting. shall enjoy ~ the ri~h!B, prerogatIves and unmurutles granted to the incumbent. Comm1,lnic8t;ons ARTICLE XVII. Consular offi- nth officials for pro- • alfthS b ectlng countrymen of cers, nation B 0 etatey ~n..culs. which they are appointed, may, within their respective consular districts, add!-ess the authorities, National, State, Provincial or Municipal, for the purpose of protecting their countrymen in the enjoyment of their rights accruin~ by treaty or otherwise. Complamt may be made for the infraction of those rights. Fail- ure upon the part of the proper authorities to grant redress or to accord protection may justify interposition throu~h the diplo- matic channel, and ill the absence of a diplomatic representative, a consul general or the consular officer stationed at the capital may apply directly to the govern- ment of the country. ~otarial8Cts,etc., by ARTICLE XVIII. Consular offi- ccx;su)ar officers. cers may, in pursuance of the laws of their own country, take, at an, appropriate place within their DepoSitions, etc. respective districts, the deposi- tions of any occupants of vessels of their own country, or of any national of, or of any person hav- ing permanent residence within au~gefe~t fein. ~ud) bilrfen bie SBe. ~iStben untet frinedei 580rtDanb rine ~td)fid)t oba SBefd)lagna~me bOn ~rlftftuCfen obet fonftigem in einem . tonfulat bertna~en SBefi~tum bor. ne~men. .tonfulate biltfen nid)t al~ ijteiftatt bienen. 580n feinem ~on­ fulatbeamten batf betlat1Qt maben, baU et bienftIid)e ~ftenft1.tde bot @erid)t borlegt obet iibet iIJtm 3nl)alt au~fagt. 3n ijalle ~ i.:ob~, bet :t>ienftun" f~gfeit oba ~broefenqeit eind Ron- fularbeamten, bern fein nad)georbnetet ~onfularbeamtet brigegeben mat, bitt.. fen ~rretltre oba RattAleibeamte, roenn i~ amtlid)et 'iif)ataftet aUbot bet me- eierung bet ~taate~, in bern bie fon. fularifd)e ~dtigfeit au~ei1bt rourbe, mitgetrilt rootben ift, boti1betg~enb bit fonfularlfd)en ()bliegenqriten b~ ber.. ftotbenen, bienftunfd~igen obet abroe.. fenben ~onfularbeamten betf~. ~ie geniefien rod~tenb bieftt iIJret stdtigfeit aUe med)te, SBorted)te unb 58efreiungen b~ ~mt!inf)abet~. !ttifel XVII. .ion!ularbeamte, bie ~taat~onge~iSrige ~ fie ernennenben ~taat~ finb, biltfen innet~alb ~r~ ~onfularbea!tf~ bie meid)~.. , ~taat~.. , ~anb~,. unb srommunalb~iStbtn an.. ruien, urn iIJre ~anb~leute im @enuB bet burd) ~taat~bertrag oba ftmft be- grftnbeten med)te au fd)i1~en. ~ie ~iltfen im ijaUe einet 58etle~ung biefet med)te SBefd)mabe er~eben. 5lBenn bie auftdnbigen SB~orben frien ~b~ilfe fd)affen obet feinen ~d)u~ geroit~ten, fo ift bet 5lBeg b\4llomatifd)en 58otg~en~ gegebenj faU~ ein b\4llomatifd)et 58et.. tretet nid)t bot~anben ift, fann ein @enetalfonfuI ober bet ~onfulatbe­ amte, bet in bet .t)atq.ltftabt feinen ~mt~fi~ ~at, fid) unmittelbat an bie megietung roenben. ~ttifel XVIII. ~onfular&eamte fon- nen, foroeit e~ ben @efe~n i~te~ eigenen ~anb~ entfprld)t, an iebem geeigneten ()tt iI)re~ !mt~beairfe~ bie (ttfliirungen bet ~iff~infaffen bon ~d)iffen i~t~ tigenen ~anb~ ober bon Wnge~origen i~te~ ~anb~ obet bon ~etfonen, bie bon iIJmt ftiinbigen 5lBo~nfi~ ~aben, AU ~rotoroll ne~men. ~oldje SBeamte fon"