Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/280

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1886 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. Reciprocal ,njoyment of mining privileges. Commercial travelers recognized. Identification, etc. The nationals of either High Contracting Party shall, more- ove:", enjoy within the territories of the other, redprocally and upon compliance with the conditions there imposed, such rights and privileges as have been or may hereafter be accorded the nation- als of any other State with respect to the mining of coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gM, and sodium on the public domain of the other. ARTICLE XI. Commercial trav- ellers -representing manufacturers, merchants and traders domiciled in the territories of either High Contracting Party shall on their entry into and sojourn. in the territories of the other Party and on their departure therefrom be accorded the most favored nation treatment in respect of customs and other privileges and of all charges and taxes of whatever denomination applicable to them or to their samDles. If either f.[igh Contracting Party require the presentation of an authentic document establish- ing the identity and authority of a commercial traveller, a certificate issued by any of the following in the country of his departure shall be accepted as satisfactory: a) the authority designated for the purpose; b) a chamber of commerce; c) any trade or commercial association recognized for the purpose by the diplomatic representa- tive of the Contracting Party requiring such cer- tificates. ti:~:a~i~.r interna· ARTICLE XII. There shall be complete freedom of transit through the territories including territorial waters of each High Contracting Party on the routes most convenient for international transit, by rail, navigable water- way, and canal, other than the Panama Canal. etc.• Panama Canal and waterways ucepted. and canals which constitute in- ternational boundaries of the Unit- ed States, to persons and goods ~ie @5taat~angebotigen ieb~ ber beiben boben Dertragfd)liefienben ~ei(e follen aufierbem innerbalb ber ~ebiete b~ «nberen lUed)felfcltig un~ unter ben bort geltenben SBebingungen bie med)te unb SBergttnftigungen geniefien, bie ie~t ober fitnftig ben ~taat~ange. botigen irgenbein~ anberen ~taat~ binfid)tlid) ber bergbauUd)en ~elUinnung Don ~oble, ~bo~pbat, ~rbol, ~lfdJie. fer, @al'3 unb 9latrium auf ben offent" Ud)en ~iinbereien b~ anberen ~eil~ geroiibrt lUerben. ~rtifel XI. ,panblungl'3reifenbe, bie ~abtiranten, ~aufleute unb ,piinbler "emeten, bie in ben @ebieten eineB ber beiben boben DertragfdJliefienben ~eile ibre 9lieberlaffung baben, follen bei ibrem (i2inmtt in bie ~ebiete b~ anberen ~eile~1 roiibrenb ibreB ~ufent" baItel'3 bortfelbft unb bei tbrer ~breife au1'3 biefen ~ebieten binfid)tlid) ao((,. red)tlidJer unb anberer SBorred)te unb binfid)tlid) aUer ~aften unb ~bgaben lUeldJer SBenennung immer, bie auf fie ober ibre IDhlfter ~nlUenbung itnben, Me meiftbegttnftigte SBebanblung erfabren. ~enn einer ber beiben boben Der" tragfdJliefienben ~eile bie 580meifung ein~ autbentifd)en ~orumentel'3 uer- langt, bal'3 bie 3bentWit unb SBered):: t1gung eineB ,panblungBteifenben nad)" lUeift, lUitb ein, Don einer ber folgenben ~teUen in feinem ~ul'3gang~lanbe au~" gefteUter ~Ul'3lUei~ alB ~inreid)enb ange.. nommen tuerben: a) Don ber biefttr beftimmten SBe:s borbe; b) Don einer ,panbell'3rammet; c) Don einer .panbel6:s ober 5IDirt- fd)aftl'3Dereiniguttg bie biefttr Don bem biplomatifdJen SBer" treter, b~ boben Dertrag" fd)liefienben <teil~, ber fold)e ~u~lUeife Derlangt, anedannt lUirb. ~rtitel XII. ~ttr ~erfonen unb ~Qren, bie auB ben ~ebieten b~ einen bet ~of)en Derttagfd)!iefienben ~eile rommen ober burd) biefe ~ebiete geben, foU DoUige ~utdJfubtfreibeit burd) bie ~ebiete einfd)liefilid) ber ~elUiiffer b~ anberen boben nerttagfdJliefienben ~eil~ gelten, unb alUar auf ben fttr ben inter" nationalen ~td)gangl'3nerre~ geeigneten ~trafien, aUf ber ~ifenbabn, aUf ~d)if" fabrt~ftrafien unb ~anii(en, jebodJ mit ~u~nabme b~ ~annmafanal~ unb ber-