Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/257

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EXTRADITION TREATY-GERMANY. JULY 12,1930. 1863 ARTICLE I It is agreed that the Govern- ment of the United States and the Government of Germany shall, under conditions of recl- procity, upon requisition duly made as herein provided, deliver up to justice any person, who may be charged with, or may have beenoonvicted of, anyof the crimes or offenses specified in Article III of the present Treaty- com- mitted within the territori81 juris- diction of one of the High Con- tracting Parties, and who shall be found within the territories of the other; J>rovided that such surrender shall take place only upon such evidence of criminality, as according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or per- son so charged sh8ll be found, would justify his commitment for trial if the crime or offense had been there committed. The words " territorial juris- diction" as used in this article mean territory, including territo- rial waters, belonging to or under the control of one of the High Contracting Parties, merchant vessels on and aircraft over the high seas and men of war wher- ever situated. ARTICLE II Under the stipulations of this Treaty neither of the High Con- tracting Parties shall be bound to deliver up its own citizens. ARTICLE III Persons shall be delivered up according to the provisions of the present Treaty, who shall have been charged with or convicted of any of the following crimes or offenses, but only if they are punishable as crimes or offenses by the laws of both countries applicable to the case: 1. Murder, including the crimes designated by the terms assassina- tion, manslaughter and infanticide. ~nitel I i)ie i)eutf~e Slegierung uub bie Reciprocal deUver)' M• •1 &!!:. 01 peraona charged with U\.egterung ber SBeretn gtm l;.ltaaten specifted crimea. berpfli~ten fi~, unter ber SBebingung bet ~egenfeitigreit, auf ein ben SBt- ftimmungen biefe~ mertrag~ entfPt~ ~eube~ <nfu~en bie ~erfcnen au~auIi~ fern, bie megen eine~ bet 1m ~ttirel III b~ mertraQ~ Ilufgefilbrten merbte~n~ ober mergel)en~ bC·rfolgt merben obet berurteilt morben fiub, menn bie @;tmf- tilt im SBerei~e ber ~eri~t~blltfeit b~ einen ber bertrllgf~Iiefieuben !teile b~ gangen ift uub ber merfolgte im ~ebide be~ auberen !teU~ angetroffen mirb. i)ie ~u~lieferung foIl iubeUen nur ftllttfiuben, menn gegen ben mer- folgten Ilu~reidjenbe merbadjt~gritnbe befteben, um nadj ben ~efe*n b~ ()rte~, an bem ber merfolgte angt- troffen mirb, bie ~inleitung be~ geri~t- lidjen merfabren~ au tedjtfertigen, menn ba~ merbre~en ober mergegen bort begangen mttre. ~l~ "SBerei~ ber ~erldjt~barreitu im ti;'J~~= jurlsdio- @Sinne biefe~ ~ttifel~ gelten: i)a~ ~e- . bid, ba~ einem ber bertragfdjIienenben !teile geblSrt ober feiner ~uffidjt unter- ftebt, einf~lienlidj ber .\>obeit~gerottffer fomie bie .\>anbel~fdjiffe uub ~uftfllbr- aeuge, folange fie fi~ auf ober ilber bet goben @See befinben, unb .rerleg~f~iffe obne Slitdfidjt aUf ibten ~ufentblllt~ort. ~ttifel II ~einer ber bertrllnfA".lier.enben !teiIe Neither .count~y • • "lUIP• bound to deliver up Its tft nadj ben SBefttmmungen btef~ SBer.. own citizens. trag~ berpflidjtet, feine eigenen @Stllat~" angeblSrlgen au~auliefern. Knife{ III 9ladj ben ~mmungm biefe~ mer- trag~ follm bte Monen au~geliefert metben, bie lDegm rim bet nadjfteben.. ben @StraftaUn berfolgt roetben ober berutteilt motben flub, botllU~gefe~t, ban bie !tat nadj bent auf ben ~naelfal1 anauroenbenben Sled;te beiber @Staaten al~ merbted;en ober merge~en ftrafbar unb berfolgbat ift: 1. morftt~lidje i:lStung (IDlotb, ~otf~Iag uub ~iub~tlS­ tung) fomie fabtlttffige !tIS- tung. Extraditable crimes. Murder.