Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/255

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CONVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN. 9, 1930. 1861 I have therefore been instructed by my Government to inform c:n~~ot notee- Your Exceflency that the Iraq Government consider that Article 2 of the said Protocol shall not override the provisions of Article 28 of the above mentioned Law. I have the honour to be, Sir Your obedient servant7 J ATAll EL ASKERI The Iraq Plenipotentiary, HIS EXCELLENCY, THE UNITED STATES PI..ENIPOTENTIARY The American Ambaasador (Dawes) to the Minister 01 Iraq d London (Ja'lar El Aslceri) EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LoNDON, January 9, 1930. YOUR EXCELLENCY:- I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note of today's date, which reads as follows: " I have the honour to bring to your notice a point connected with Article 2 of the Protocol attached to the Tripartite Convention be- tween the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Iraq. Article 2 of the Protocol provides that the Government of Iraq shall not interfere in matters concerning the curriculum, such as the time-tables, discipline and purely internal administration in schools established or maintained by nationals of the United States of America in Iraq. The Iraq Government interpret this Article as not preventing the enforcement on the said schools of Article 28 of the Public Instruction Law of 1929, the translation of which runs: It Is obligatory to teach the Arabic language and the history and geography of Iraq and the history of the Arabs in accordance With the programme of the Ministry of Education in all non-technical private schools, both primary and secondary. The hours devoted to the Arabic language must be not less than five hours a week in primary classes and three hours a week in secondary classes. "I have therefore been instructed by my Government to inform Your Excellency that the Iraq Government consider that Article 2 of the said Protocol shall not override the provisions of Article 28 of the above mentioned Law." . In taking note of this communication I avail myself of this oppor- tunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance of my high consideration. I have the honor to be, Excellency, Your most obedient servant, HIs EXCELLENCY JATAR PASHA. m .- AsKEBI, C.M .G., etc., etc., etc., TM Legation 01 Iraq, London. CHARI.FA G. DAWES.