Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/241

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COXVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN. 9, 1930. 1847 AJrnCLE 5. SabeduJI D-CaDtd. His Majesty the King of Iraq agrees to submit beforehand to the High Commissioner for his concurrence the appointment of all Brit- ish Presidents and members of Courts of Arpeal and Revision as well as the termination of the appointment 0 any British Judge or Magistrate. AlmCLE 6. The provisions of this agreement shall remaiu in force for the period of the treaty and shall cease to have effect after the expiration of that period. IN WITNESS OF wmCH the respective pleni~tentiaries have affixed their signatures thereto. Done at Bagdad in duplicate this 25th day of March, 1924, of the Christian era, corresponding with the 19th day of Sha'ban, 1342, Hijrah. H. DOBBS, His Britannic Majesty's High Oommissioner for Iraq. JA'FAR AL 'ASKARI, Prime Minister of the Iraq Government. No.6. Financial Agreement made under Article 15 of the Treaty 01 Alliance between (heat Britain and Iraq of October 10, 19£B. We, the undersigned plenipotentiaries of His Britannic Majesty and of His Majesty the King of Iraq respectively, having been duly authorised, met together this 25th day of March, 1924, corresponding to the 19th day of Sha'ban, 134.2, in order to sign the following agreement subsIdiary to article 15 of the treaty of alliance concluded between Their Majesties aforesaid on the 10th day of October1 1922, corresponding to the 19th day of Sa'far, 1341, Hijrah, subJect to ratification. THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS a treaty of alliance between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq was signed at Bagdad on the 10th day of October, 1922, corresponding with the 19th day of Sa'far, 1341, Hijrah, and a proto~ol to the same'treaty was signed at Bagdad on the 30th day of April, 1923, corresponding with. the 14th day of Ramazan, 1341, Hijrah; and WHEREAS by artIcle 15 of the said treaty it is provided that 8 separate agreement shall regulate the finanCIal relatIOns between the High Contracting Parties, which shall provide, on the one hand, for the transfer by His Britannic Majesty's Government to the Govern- ment of Iraq of such works of public utility as mal be agreed upon,! and for the rendering by His Britannic Majesty s Government ot such financial assistance as may from time to time be considered necessary for Iraq, and, on the other hand, for the progressive liqui- dation by the Government of Iraq of all liabilities thus incurred, and that such agreement shall be communicated to the Council of the J.J6ague of Nations; and