Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/226

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1832 CONVENTION-AMERICAN RIGHTS IN IRAQ. JAN. 9, 1930. 80beduJe II-Contd. Local Leave. 7. AI> official may at tho! discretion of the Government be allowed local leave not exceeding twenty-one days in each calendar year. Such leave shall not be cumulative, and shall not be combined with ordinary leave. Orciifla'1f Leave. 8.-(1.) An ofHcial will earn ordinary leave at the rate of one day's leave for every five days of effective service. No leave other than local leave shall count as effective service. (U.) Ordinary leave shall be cumnlative. (Ul.) Subje...--t to the exigencies of the service, an offiCial may be granted the ordinary leave due to him at any time he desires, and may claim the right to take the leave due to him If under a fifteen years' contract three times; It under a ten years' contract, twice; and if under a five years' contract, once. (Iv.) An official on the expiry of his service, or on the termination of his contract by the Government for any reason other than insubordination or misconduct, shall receive a gratuity in respect of ordinary leave which is due to him and which owing to the exigencies of the service he has been unable to take. This gratuity shall be calculated at the rate of one day's leave allowance for every day of leave due subject to maximum of nIne months. (v.) When on ordinary leave an official ShRll be entitled to full salary. Sick Leave. 9. -(i.) Short periods of absence from duty owing to sickness not exceed- ing ten consecutive days will be allowed in Iraq on full salary. Any absence extending beyond that period will be counted as sick leave. (it.) The aggregate amount of sick leave which an official may be allowed shall be as follows:- If he is on a five years' contracL_______________________ 1 year. If he is on a ten years' contracL_______________________ 2 years. If he is on a fifteen years' contracL____________________ 3 years. (ill.) If these aggregate amounts are exceeded the Government shall have the option of terminating the contract without compensation. (Iv.) On each occasion of taking sick leave an official shall receive full salary for a period up to six months and thereafter such leave as is due to him up to a further six: months. If no leave or insufficient leave is due to him to cover the second six months he may complete the period by additional sick leave on half-pay. At the end of this period of twelve months the Govern- ment shall have the right to terminate without compensation the service of an official who is on a five years' contract, and in other cases, i.e., it the official is on more than five years' contract, a medical board shall assemble, and, if it is considered that the official is unlikely to be fit to return to duty within the limits laid down iil sub-clause (2) aboY-e, Government shall have the right to terminate the contract without compensation. (v.) Nothing in this clause shall in any way modify the obl1gations of the Iraq Government to pay an officer of the Imperial forces or Indian army on return from his employment until he Is fit for duty in the Imperial or Indian establishment as the case may be, subject to the maximum period of sick leave with full pay of his SUbstantive rank provided in the regulations of the service concerned. MedicaZ Attendance. 10. In Iraq an official will be entitled to free medical treatmeut, bllt this privilege does not extend to his family. Compensation in case of Termination by Government. 11. In the case of an official whose B£.TVices are terminated by Government other than for reasons stated In clauses 1, sub-clause (3), 9, 14 and 18, Government shall pay Into the Provident Fund on his behalf, and he Shall receive from that fund, in addition to the sum already due to him therefrom, a sum equal to the combined contributions of Government and the official which would have fallen due In respect of the balance of his contract. Special Compensation for Death, de., due to Local Di8turbanoe" &c. 12. Special compensation, which shall not be less favourable In the case of an officer of the Imperial forces or Indian army than that to which he would be entitled under the regulations of his parent service, under rules to be laid down hereafter; will be granted in the case of death, injury or loss of property,