Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/186

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l792 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION. NOV. 6, 1925. P1l!Dlpotentlarles- La President de la Republique Jontmued. d" . OnllnICame: M. C. G. de Haseth Cz., Consul de la R_eJ>ublique dominicame ala Haye ; Sa Majesta Ie Roi d'Espagne: S. Exc. M . Santiago Mendez de Vi~o, Envole Extra- ordinall'e et Mimstre PIeni- potentiaire de S. M . Ie Roi d'Espagne ala Haye; M. Fernando Cabello y La- piedra, Chef du Bureau de la Proprieta Indu<;trielle et Commerciale d'Espagne; M. Jose Garcia-Monge y de Vera, Secretaire du Bu- reau de la Propriete Indus- trielle et Commerciale d'Espagne; Le President de la Republique d'Esthonie: M. O . Aannann, Ingenieur, Directeur du Bureau des Brevets; La President des ~tats-Unis d'Amerique: M. Thomas E. Robertson, COlllmissaire des Brevets, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of U. S. A .; M Wallace R. Lane, ancien President des American and Chicago Patent Law Associations, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of U. S. A. and the Supreme Court of Illinois; M. Jo. Baily Brown, Pitts- burgh, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of U. S. A . and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvama; La President de la Republique de Finlande:

M. Yrjo Saastamoinen,

Charge d'Affaires de Fin- lande a la Haye; La President de la Republique franc;aise: S. Exc. M . Chassain de Marcilly, Envoye Extra- ordinaire et Ministre PIeni- potentiaire de France a la Hayc; The President of the Dominican Republic: Mr. C. G. de Haseth Cz., Consul of the Dominican Republic at The Hague; His Majesty the King of Spain: His Excellency Mr. Santiago

Mendez de Vigo, Envoy

Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Spain at The Hague: Mr. Fernando Cabello y La- piedra, Chief of the Span- ISh Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Property; Mr. Jose Garcia-Monge y de Vera, Secretary of the Spanish Bureau of Indus- trial and Commercial Prop- erty; The President of the Republic of Estonia: Mr. O . Aarmann, Engineer, Director of the Patent Office; The President of the United States of America: Mr. Thomas E. Robertson, Commissioner of Patents, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States; Mr. Wallace R. Lane, former President of the American and Chicago Patent Law Associations, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Court of Illinois; Mr. Jo. Baily Brown, Pitts- burgh, Member of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vama; The President of the Republic of Finland: Mr. Yrjo Saastamoinen, Charge d'Maires of Fin- land at The Hague; The President of the French Republic: His Excellency Mr. Chassain de Marcilly, Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France at The Hague;