Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/178

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1784 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. February 18. 1II1II3. MEMORIAL EXERCISES TO LATE PRESIDENT COOLIDGE. (S. COn. h. No. 42.] Ruolved bJl the Sen0.t6 (the H()U8~ 01 Repruentativ68 CfJnC'UII'f'ing), &0~~d':~ That there shall be compiled,printed with illustrations, and bound, i~UobH as may be directed by the Joint Committee on Prin~, fifteen able ~arJp. RO:: thoUS&lld copies of the oration delivered by Honorable Arthur P. ordered printed. Rugg in the House of Representatives durin¥ the exercises held in memory of the late President Calvin Coolidge on February 6 TarmstroBot (talk) 1933, includ~ all the proceedings and the program of exercises, of Distribution. . which five thousand copies shan be for the use of the Senate and ten thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed, February 16, 1933, FebruarJ 17, 1933. CANAL ZONE CIVIL CODE. lH. Con. Res., No.•8.J Re80lvea bytM H0U8e 01 Representatives (the Senate concurring), Codc.:w ~e Civil That the Clerk of the House is hereby authorized and directed in eomc~'fnin(r~- the enrollment of the bill (H. R . 7522) entitled "An Act to provide =>t ~ to: or: a new civil code for the Canal Zone and to repeal the existing civil ~,p. 1131. code," to omit Senate amendments numbered 15 to 23, inclusive. Passed, February 17, 1933. February 22, 1933. SUPREME COURT, RULES OF PRACTICE, ETC. [8. Con. ReI., No. fa.J R680lvea by the Senate (the of Representatives c~'f!g) ol=:~,mles That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authori~ c~cm '&~ and directed, in the enrollment of the bill (S. 4020) to give the =u: tQ, ordeied. Supreme Court of the United States authority to prescribe rules of Ante, p. IICM. practice and procedure with respect to proceedings in criminal cases after verdict, to strike out on page !tlines 8 and 9, respectively, of the engrossed bill the words "Porto .H .ico" and insert in lieu thereof " Puerto Rico". February 22, 11133. lB- Con. Rea., No. liO.l Passed, February 22, 1933. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Re80lvM, by the Hmue of Representatives (the Sen.ate concur- Congressional Dileo- ring), That an edition of the Congressional Directory for the first ~dition (or fIllIt lIeS- session of the Seventy-third COngress be compiled, _prepared, ~~ Congress, or- indexed, and published under the direction of the Joint Committee ~~lB~~l.~p~11~ on, PrintiJ!g, as provided for in section 73 of the Printing Act approved January 12, 1895. Passed, February 22, 1933. February 24, 11133. STATUES WITHIN THE CAPITOL. tH. COD. Res., No.•7.] R680lAJed by the H0U8e of Representatives (the Senate concurring), o~ within the That the Architect of the Ca{>itol, upon the approval of the Joint a ion. etc., au- Committee on the Library, With the advice of the Commission of tborlr.ed. Fine Arts, is hereby authorized and directed to relocate within the Capitol any of the statues already received and placed in Statuary Hall, and to provide for the reception and location of the statues received hereafter from the States. Passed. February 24, 1933.