Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/174

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1780 CONCURRENT RESOL-rrrIONb OF CONGRESS. lUDe 'n , 11132. LAWS BELAT!NG TO VETERANS OJ' VARIOUS WARS. [So Con. Res., No. 211.] Re80lved by the Senate (the HotUJe 01 Rep1'e8ematives~) V1I~6 r:}a~ That the letter of the Administrator of Veteran!)' Affairs, dared wan. May 12, 1932, transmitting in response to S. Res. 412 (Seventy-first .JompUaUon of, Conarl>__ ) a compilation of all Federallaw3 l-elating to the veterans ordend printed as a f -,:,-- t be· d .h .I· Sed 8enatedOcumenl. 0 our varIOUS wars, prmte, WIt II ustrations, as a nate ocu- Dbtrlbutlon. ment i and that ten thousand additional copies shall be printed for distribution by the Veterans' Administration, of which there may be furnishe<!, upon written application to the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, one copy to each post of the Grand. Army of the Republic, the American Legion, ana the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, to each camp of the United Spanish War Veterans, to each camp of Veterans of the Indian Wars, each chapter of the American Red Cross, and to each chapter of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War. Passed, June 27, 1932. lune'n ,lG32. UNITED STATES ROANOKE COLONY COMMISSION. [H. Con. R~., No. 26 .) Resolved, by the HO'IJ,8e of Rern:e8entative8 (the SeMie C()MU1' - Unit e d S tate s 1-ing) , That there is hereby establIShed a commission to be known as Roanoke Colony Com- the United States Roanoke Colony Commission (hereinafter referred m~=Umment,mem_ to as the commission), and to be composed of six commissioners, as bersbip, etc. follows: Three Senators to be appointed by the President of the Senate, and three Members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The commissioners shall serve without compensation and shall select a chairman from among their number. Prepa.- atiO!l of plans SEC. 2 . That it shall be the duty of the commissioners to prepare ~~:~r;w:, ~t and report a plan or plans and a program for the commemoration in o~ n. Et~-Aspeak~g 1934 of the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the birth of CI\" lZa lonln merlC8. E l·sh kin· '1· t· . Am· RkIIdNh ngI -spea gCIV1lZaIonIn erlca on oano e s an, ort Carolina, with an estimate of the probable cost; to give due and proper consideration to such plan or plans as may be submitted to them for such celebration; to confer with such civic associations and organizations, and with such other commissions, Federal, State, and municipal, as may be appointed for purposes similar to the purpose of this resolution, and to take such steps as may be necessary to secure the coordination and correlation of plans prepared by such commissions; and to do all such other things as may lie necessary to carry into full effect the intents and purposes of thIS resolution. omcers and assist- SEC. 3. That the commission, after selecting a chairman and a ants authorized. vice chairman from among their members, may employ a secretary and such other assistants as may be needed for clerical work con- Promo. n~~d with the duties of the commission: Provided, That said com- No Federal expense. mISSIOn can SO arrange that no part of the payor expenses of such secretary and other assistants, if any, shall be paid by the United States. Travel, etc., ex- SEC. 4 . The commissioners shall receive no compensation for their penses. services but shall be paid their actual and necessary traveling, hotel, Limitation. and other expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties, not to exceed $500, and the same shall be paid out of the contingent funds of the House and Senate. Submission of plans SEC. 5 . That the said commission be, and the same is hereby, !fo:'lne Arts Commis- authorized to call upon the Commission of Fine Arts, in Washington, for their assistance and advice in connection with any plan or plans