Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/154

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1760 March ., 111 33. lH. R . 2767.) (Prlnte, No. 302 .) 72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS, 292-295. MARCH 4, 1933. the £om of $11.000 in full settlement of claims against the Government of the United States to C. A . Cates, who sustained injuries on or about February 5, 1929, at Dayton, Ohio, when struck by an Army tr.lck operated by a private soldier t.hen acting in the course of the performance of his duties as an employee of the Government. Approved, March 4, 1933. [CHAPTER 293.) AN ACT For the ~f of Jack Schneider. Be it efl4C~d 1tY the Seoote and H O1I8e of Representatives of the TarmstroBot (talk)Or loss UMted 8tatea of America in (J~8t; aBlJemlJled, That the Secre- .r airpIaDe. ' tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropri- ated to Jack Schneider the sum of $3,459.25, in full settlement of all claims by reason of personal injuries to and damage to, being the cost of an airplane, the property of said Jack Schneider, described as a Heet training ship, Government License Numbered NC-7~V, while making a forced landing in a ravine in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, about eighteen miles west of Independence, California. March ., 1933. £H. R . 28e3.) [PrIvate, No. 303 .1 Approved, March 4, 1933. [CHAPTER 294.] AN ACT For the relief of John S. Stotts, deceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and H0'U8e of Repre8entatives of the ~!::'biTarmstroBot (talk)8charre Ptnitt~ Stat f eB o'lAmericafitn 9onu.reh88tsas8e!'l'~lled, Thadt iben thfietsadmin- granted to. IS ra Ion 0 any aws con errmg rIg ,prlvI eges, an ne upon honorably discharged soldiers John S. Stotts deceased late of Company E, One hundred and twenty-second Regiment Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably discharged from the military service of the United States as a private of said company and regiment on the 26th day of June, Vol. 30 , p. 3M; Vol. 1865, notwit.hstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Act 35, p.ll0. relating to pensions approved April 26, 1898, as amended by the Promo. Act approved May 11, 1908: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, No back pay, etc. pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. March .. 1933. IH. R . 2\107.] IPrinte. No. 304 .1 Approved, ~1arch 4, 1933. [CHAPTER 295.] AN ACT For the relief of Walter Sam Young. Be it enMted by the Senate and H O'U8e of Repre8entative8 01 the

alter~F~' United State8 of Arne1'icain Oongre88 aBsembled, That in the adroin-

gran~~. e arge istration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits upon honorably discharged sailors Walter Sam Y oun~, late of the U mted States Navy, shall hereafter be held and conSIdered to have been dischal'~d under honorable conditions from the naval service of the United States as a member of that organization on the 16tlt day of ~~k pay, etc. July, 1920: PrD'Uided, That no compensation, retirement pay, back pay, pension, or other benefit shall be held to have accrued prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, March 4, 1933.