Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1157

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CooHdge, Calvin-Continued; Joint session of the two Houses for memorial service to_____________ _ Address by Honorable Arthur P. Rugg ordered printed_________ _ Copper Ridge Mining Company, lost Treasury certificate redeemed in fav- orof___________________________ _ Copyrights. mechanical musical reproduc- tions includedin, privileges to Greece_ Cordage, Hemp, duty increased________ _ CornwalHs' Surrender, recommending ob- servance of sesquicentennial of_____ _ Cotton Velvets, duty on, increased _____ _ Court of Claims. claim of P. F . Gormley placed under jurisdiction of_______ _ Cox, William R., credit allowed in ac- counts of_______________________ - - Craig, Ursula Compton, title to certain lands in Rapides Parish, La., relin- quished to _______________________ _ Crane, Jerry V., honorable discharge granted to_______________________ _ Crawford, Mildred B., payment to, for personalinjuries__________________ _ Crotty, Margaret, payment to, for death of son___________________________ _ Curtiss. Glenn 8., distinguished-flying cross to_______________________ - - - Customs Matters, Commercial Agree- ments on: Egypt____________________________ _ Flumania__________________________ _ CyHnder, etc., Glass, duty decreased ___ _ D Dalton, WilHam, payment to, for personal injuries_________________________ _ Daridson, John E., DBval record corrected_ Daris. Annie L., payment to, for prop- ertyda~e---------------------- Daris. Donna M., credit in accounts of__ Daris, Jefferson, proceedings on accept- ance of statue of, ordered printed __ _ Davis, Samuel C., payment to, for prop- ertydamage_____________________ _ Day, John 8., payment to, for carrying mail____________________________ _ Dayton, EHzabeth B., disability claim of, to be examined___________________ _ Death Valley National Monument, Calif., established______________________ _ De Bayle, Dr. Luis 8., payment to, for loss of drugs, etc_________________ _ Deiter, G. 8 ., payment of travel allow- ance to__________________________ _ Denmark: Agreements with- Load-line certificates, recognition of. INDEX. Page 1783 1784 1679 2502 2459 2479 2543 1769 1686 1756 1735 1688 1680 1738 2582 2593 2492 1711 1742 1723 1733 1779 1731 1694 1702 2554 1656 1685 2690 Denmark-Continued. Agreements with-Continued. Shipping profits, relief from double income tax on _______________ _ Parcel-post convention______________ _ de Vos, P. L ., payment of travel allowance to______________________________ _ Dick, Chester J., credit allowed in ac- counts of________________________ _ Dietz, Joseph Anton, adjustment of claim for property damage, authorized___ _ Director General of Railroads: Appointing Ogden L. Mills as_______ _ Designating same as agent of Presi- dent in actions arising out of Federal railroad controL ______ _ District of Columbia: Return from President of bill relating to insurance companies in, requested_ Reenrollment of, directed _________ _ Dongji Investment Company (Ltd.), re- lease from performance bond______ _ Dove, Claude E., payment to, for death of wife, etc_________________________ _ Drawback Exportations, extending time on merchandise for shipment to Philippine Islands________________ _ Drexler, Henry Clay, medal of honor awarded to______________________ _ Duborg, F. R ., payment of travel allow- ance to__________________________ _ Dunn, John L., payment to, for personal injuries_________________________ _ Dysert, Mrs. Amy, payment to ________ _ E Echols, Sam, payment of deceased son's salary to________________________ _ Edgecumbe, Annie Lee, payment to estate, for death_________________ _ Eggplant, duty decreased ______________ _ Eggs. Dried, etc., duty increased_______ _ Egypt: Arbitration agreement, claim of George J. Salem ______________________ _ Arbitration treaty __________________ _ Conciliation treaty_________________ _ Customs matters, commercial agree- ment on_______________________ _ El Dorado, Ark.: First National Bank, reimbursement of____________________________ _ National Bank of Commerce, reim- bursement of. _________________ _ Electoral Vote for President and Vice President, arrangements for count- ing, by COngress _________________ _ Ellingson and Groskopf (IDe.), payment to, for mortician services_________ _ v Pace 2612 2402 1685 1668 1749 2500 2500 1776 1778 1734 1711 2549 1719 1685 1757 1710 1706 1714 2488 2460 2700 2130 2132 2582 1767 1767 1782 1681