Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1107

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LOAD-LINE CERTIFICATES-GERMANY. FOREIGN OFFICE S 5270. MR. AMBASSADOR: (Translation] BERLIN, December 16, 1931. In reply to your communication No. 585 of September 11, 1931, relative to the conclusion of an agreement between Germany and the United States of America concerning mutual recognition of the loadline regulations of the other country, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency as follows: Since the German "Regulations of the See-Berufsgenossenschaft (l\1aritime Cooperative Association) Governing the Freeboard of Steamers and Sailing Vessels on Long Voyages and Atlantic Voyages as well as Extended Coasting Navigation" and the corresponding "Regulations for the Establishment of Load Lines for Merchant Ves- sels of 250 Gross Tons or over when engaged in a Foreign Voyage by Sea" of the United States of America have been examined by both parties and recognized as equivnlent, the Government of the Reich ~OTees to the conclusion of a reciprocal agreement governing the acceptance by each Government of the freeboard regulations of the other, the loadline marks, and the certificates of such marking of merchant vessels-this agreement to be effective beginning today until the international convention governing the freebaard of merchant vessels becomes effective in both countries:-provided, that the load- line marks are in accordance with the loadline certificates; that the hull or superstructure of the vessel certificated has not been so ma- terially altered since the issuance of the certificate as to affect the calculations on which the load line was based, and that alterations have not been made so that the (1) Protection of openings, (2) Guard Rails, (3) Freeing Ports, (4) Means of Access to Crews Qunrters have made the vessel manifestly unfit to put to sea without danger to human life. I take this opportunity to express to you, Mr. AmbassRdor, my highest consideration. BULOW HIS EXCELLENCY, THE AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MR. FREDERIC M. SACKETT. [No. 311 2697