Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1098

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2688 CERTIFICATES OF AIRWORTHINESS-SOUTH AFRICA. If you inform me that it is the understanding of your Government that the arrangement agreed upon is as herein set forth, the arrnn~e­ ment will be considered to be operative from the date of the recelpt of {our note so advising me. have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, RALPH J. TOTTEN Envoy ErtraordirlGry and ~~finister Plenipotentiary of the Um'ted States of America. THE HONORABLE J. B . M:. HERTZOG, j\1inister of External Affairs, Pretoria. The kHnister of External Affa'il's of the Union of South Africa (lJertzog) to the American }.linister (Totten) P. 1\;1. 66/80 . DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, PRETORIA, 1, Dec 1931 SIR, oi~m~Union With reference to your letter No. 68 of the 12th October, 1931, regarding the arrangement between the Union of South Africa and the United States of America providing for the reciprocal acceptance by the competent authorities of the respective Governments of cer- tificates of airworthiness for aircraft imported from the one country into the other as merchandise, I have the honour to inform you that His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa are in accord with the terms of the arrangement, which reads word for word as follows: 1. The present arrangement applies to civil aireraft eonstructed in continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, and exported to the Union of South Africa; and to civil aireraft con- structed in the Union of South Africa and exported to continental United States of Ameriea, exclusive of Alaska. 2. The same validity shall be conferred on certifieates of air- worthiness issued by the competent authorities of the Government of the United States in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in the Union of South Afnea as if they had been issued under the regulations in force on the subject in the Union of South Africa provided that in each case a eertificate of airworthiness for export has also been issued by the United States authorities in respect of the individual aircraft, and provided that certificates of airworthi- ness issued by the competent authorities of the Union of South Africa in respect of aircraft subsequently registered in the United States of America ar(; similarly given the same validity as if thl"'Y had been issued under the regulations in foree 011 the subject in the United States. 3. The above arrangement will extend to civil aircraft of all cate- gories, including those used for public transport and those used for private purposes.