Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1069

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HAITIANIZATION AGREEMEXT. 2659 ,Agreement between the United States of America and Haiti. Signed ~ust 5, 1~'!.!:... _ Augu~t 5,1931. LEGATIOX OF THE EXITED STATES OF AMERICA, PORT-AU-PRI~CE, HAITI, Aug'ust 5, 1931, The undersigned plenipotentiaries duly authoriz('d by their respec- co~~'litianizat;" . \c- tive governments have agreed upon the following Accord: . ARTICLE I. The s('rviccs of the Engineers provided for by Article XIII of the Vol. 39, p , jf••':I. Treaty of September 16, 1915, for the sanitation and puhlic improve- ment of the Republic, and bY' the Accord of July Ii, 1923, regarding the Service Technique d'Agnculture, as well as their foreign aids and employees, shall definitely ccase on September 30, 1931, except as provided below in Articles III and IV. ARTICLE II. A('cordingly, on October 1, 1931, the Government of Haiti ,vill flssume rightfully and definitely the administration a~l(l control of the Direction Generale d('s Travaux Publics, of the St'fvice d'Hygiene, and of the Service Technique d'Agriculture, and the President of the R('public will deliver, in conformity with the Constitution and the laws, commissions to the Haitian engineers, physicians, and emplovees def'p~ed necessary for the functioning of the above mentioned Sen-Ic(>s. ARTICLE III, In that which concerns the S('rvice :K atioBal d'Hygienr, it is UlHl('r- stood that in conformity with the Jaws in foree it will huH', uncl('r the direction of the Secretary of State for the Interior, lhroughout the Republir, the administration, inspection, and supeI'visi'Hl ol all of the puhlic services of hygiene, sanitation and quarantino of the hosnitals, ruml dis{lensarirs, poor r('iief, insane asylums and sunitary garages, of the MedIcal School, the Health Cent('r, the laboratories, etc.

\evrrtheless, in the cities of Port-au-l1rinee and Cupe IIllitiun,

and their immediate environs <that is within a radius of two miles of the cities proper but ineluding also Petionville) wh('r(', pending oth('i' arrangements and until the conclusion of a protocol for their eva('u:ition, American troops are stationed, nn American seientific mission shaH be eRpecially ~'hnrged in.a('('c)!'d with the laws and regu- lations now in force with the ('ontrol of sanitntion and ('hlorinntion of wuter. The Service l\ ationule d'Hygiene will be entitled, if it. so req1J{,Rts, to l'e('('ive the udvice and recommendations of the above mentioned sci('ntific missitm within the restricted fieid of sanitation. The GO'lcrnm('nt Hg-rees to leave to the Mission the sanitary garag('s nt Port-au -Prince and Cape Haitian and the motor equip- ment strietiy necessary for its aetiviti('s but the Serviee Nationale d'Hygl('pe may a~w~ys ~cquisitioll the material thus !ouned by agree- ment WIth the }'lIsslOU If the need therefor should UJ'lse.