Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/1039

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DOUBLE INCOME TAX-SHIPPING PROFITS-GERMANY. In this telegram the Embassy is informed that the Treasury Depart- ment states that it is necessary for a foreign government to exempt citizens of the United States not residing in the foreign country con- cerned as well as domestic corporations from the tax on earnings from sources within such country derived exclusively from the operation of ships in order that such country may satisfy the equivalent exemp- tionlrovision of the section of the Revenue Act of 1921 communi- cate to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in the Embassy's Note No. 91 of June 28,1922. The Embassy is informed further by the Treasury Department through the Department of State that, therefore, if the Minister of Commerce [Finance] will issue the same instructions to the financial authorities relative to citizens of the United States not residing in Germany as have been issued relative to domestic corporations Germany will have satisfied the equivalent exemption provision referred to. The Embassy is informed, that as soon as the Treasury Department receives notice through this Embassy that the additional instructions have been issued, it will issue a statement that Germany has satisfied this exemption provision. If therefore the instructions referred to above are issued and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will so inform the Embassy, the Embassy will take pleasure in telegraphin~ to the Department of State the date on which they become effectIve. The D~partment of State would appreciate also being informed whether Germany has ever demanded or collected or under the law may demand any income tax from citizens of the United States not residing in Germany or domestic corporations on earnings derived from the operation of ships from January 1st, 1921, to the date on which the above instructions if issued become effective. To the MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Berlin. BERLIN, October 8, 1923. 2629 The German Ministry jor ForeigBn A(fairs to the American Embassy at lU1Uary 19, 1924. _ ertln AUSWAERTIGES AMT No. V. Steu 30 B 2556 Das Auswaertige Amt beehrt sich der Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika auf die Verbalnote yom 27. Oktober 1923- No. 543-im Anschluss an seine Verbalnote \vom 5. September 1923-V Steu 1496-mitzuteilen, dass der Her~ Reichsminister der Finanzen durch einen Erlass vom 5. Januar 1924 die zustaendigen Finanzbehoerden angewiesen hat, das aus dem Betriehe von Schiffen herruehrende Einkommen von Buergern der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (Einzelpersonen), die in Deutschland keinen Wohnsitz haben, ebenso unter der Voraussetzung der Gegenseitigkeit und dem Vorbehalt des jederzeitigen Widerrufs von der Einkommensteuer zu befreien, wie dies bereits durch einen Erlass vom 10. August 1923 Pwt,p.2e38. PoIt, p. 2638 .