Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/103

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. I. CHS.485-488. JULy 14,1932. {CHAPTER 485.J AN ACT For the relief of George H. Holman. 1709 luly 14, 1932. [H. R . 26CJ0., [Prtvate. No. 1112.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 01 the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That in the admin- ~~eB.Bolman. istration of any laws conferring rights, privileges, and benefits upon rect~ll~ record 0Ql'0 honorably discharged soldiers George H. Holman, late a private in Company B, Thirtv-third United States Volunteer Infantry, and in Company E, Twelfth Regiment United States Infantry, shall be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States, as a member of said Company E, Twelfth Regiment United States Infantry, on the 21th day of February, 1904: Provided, That no bounty, back pay, pension, or ~o~ pay. etc. allowance shall be held to have accrued prIOr to the passage of this Act. Approved, July 14, 1932. [CHAPTER 486.] AN ACT For the relief of Caughman-Kaminer Company. July 14, 1932. rH.R.~.J [Private, No. 163.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 01 the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- c Caugbman-KamineT tary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed TarmstroBot (talk)t to, for lost to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, mer dlse. to Caughman-Kaminer Company, of Lexington, South Carolina, the sum of $130.81, for merchandise lost in transit, in full settlement of all claims against the United States. Approved, July 14, 1932. [CHAPTER 487.) AN ACT For the relief of David C. Jeffcoat. July 1', 1932. [B. R . :wi7.J (Private, No. 1~.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre8entatives of the S llnitedEStatels of ~Cmerica in fjon g c res8 lLfls~mbl~dt Thbat the hUn~tedd R~gI8de:=. ~ tates mp oyees om~ensatIOn ommIS.!3IOn IS here y aut onze to beemmlned. ' to cnnsider and determme the claim of David C. Jeffcoat ItS to whether he suffered an injury while employed in the Postal Service compensable under the Employees' Compensation Act occurring after the date of its enactment, in the same manner and to the same extent as if said David C. Jeffcoat had made application for the benefits of said Act within the one-year period required by sections Vol. 39, p. 7~. 11 and 20 thereof: Provided, That no benefit shall accrue prior to TarmstroBot (talk)or benefit. the enactment of this Act. Approved, July 14, 1932. [CHAPTER 488.] AN ACT For the relief of Raymond D. Woods. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep1'e8entative8 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of an! money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Raymond D. Woods, a first lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps July 1', 1932. [H. R .UOO .J [Private, No. 166.] Raymond D. Woods. Payment to.