Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/966

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2574 Uruguay. Special Hansl t cbarges. AtIte, p. 2M2. Transshipment at Lisbon. AfiU, p. 25M. UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. tistes Socialistes est autorisee d Republics is autborized to collect percevoir les frais tU transit par transit charges for the Trans- la voie du Transsiberien pO'Ur les Siberian Railway for both routes ieux directions (Ma~ O'U (Manchuria or Vladivostok) at VladivoBtok) , a raison ds Fr. the rate of 4.50 francs for L. C. ~.50 pO'Ur les L. O. d tU Fr. 0.50 and 0.50 francs for A. O . per kilo- pO'Ur les A. O . par kilogramme gram, respectively, for distances r86pectivement 1!O'I!-r les distances exceeding 6000 km. dipa88ant 6000 kilometres. IX. IX Frau specia'UX dt transit par l ' Uruguay. Exceptionnellement, l' Uruguay est autorisi d percevoir pO'Ur to'ldes les dkp&'Ms d' O'Utre-mer dlbarq:uees d Montevideo qu'il reac'Mmine par SeS propres ser- vices S'Ur les pays au deld, les frais de transit territoriaux pri- V'I .J ..8 par l'article 73 de la Oon- fJe'iuion, sent 75 centimes par kilogramme de leUres et de carte8 postales et 10 centimes par kilo- gramme d'autres objets. x. Frais d'entrep6t. Exceptionnellement, l'Adminis- tration yortugaise est autorisee a percevOJr pour toutes lea de- ~ches transbordees au port de Lisbonne les frBis d'entrep6t pre- vus A l'article 74- de la Oonven- tion. XI. Protocole laisse ouvert aus Pays non representes. Special transit cluLrgesfor Uruguay As an exceptional measure, U~ay is authorized to collect, for all oversea. dispatches unload- ed at Montevideo which it for- wards by its own services to coun- tries beyond, the land-transit charges contemplated by Article 73 of the Convention, or 75 cen- times par kilogram of letters and p()st cards and 10 centimes per kilogram of other articles. x Warelwusing charges As an exceptional measure, the Portuguese Administration is au- thorized to collect, for all mails transshipped at the port· of lis- bon, the warehousing charges prescribed· by Article 74 of the Convention. XI .Protocol left open to the OO'UntrU8 not represented Pro~l left open t9 L'A I.ghanistan et la RepuMin'Ue countries not repra- ~• • f . ":L As Afghanistan and the Argen- . tine Republic, which form part of the Postal Union, were not repre- sented at the Congress, the Pro- tocol remains open to them in order that they may adhere to the Convention and the Agreements concluded there, or merely to one or another of them. &ented at Congress. Argent~ne, qUI ont partie de l'Union postale, ne s'etant pas fait re}>resenter au Congr~, Ie Protocole leur reste ouvert pour adherer A 10. Convention et aux Arrangements qui y ont eM con- clus, ou seulement a l'un ou a l'autre d'entre eux. To Paraguay. Le Protocole reste a'U8si O'Uveri dans Ie meme but au Paraguay dont le del~e a du 8'absenter avant la signature de8 Actes. The Protocol also remains open for the same purpose to Paraguay, whose delegate was obliged to leave before signing the Acts.