Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/940

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2548 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. Narcotics, etc. tenant de l' opium, de La morphine, d.e La cocaine et autres stupijiants ne sont dans aucun cas ni delivres aux destinataires, ni renvo'l1es a l'origine. "Destruction of explo- b) les objets enumeres sous b et Slve, obscene, etc., ar- j doi . 1 ticles. vent etre detrUlts sur pace Return of certain un- Eluthorized articles. par La premiere Administration qui en constate 10. presence; c) les objets enumeres sous c, ainsi qu'aux deux derniers alineas du §1, doivent etre renvoyes a l'Office d'origine, sauj le cas Ott l'Administration du pays de des- tination serait dis.posee" ales re- mettre exceptionnellement aux des- tinataires. NoticeofIlondelivery Dans Ie cas OU des envois of wrongly accepted ar- d . ~tt~I' ~dit' tieles. anus~or~expt:Ionne f,eraient ni renvoyes a l'o~oine, ni remis au destinataire, I'Office expediteur doit etre informe, d'une maniere precise, du traitement applique aces envois pour qu'il puisse prendre eventuellement Ies mesures qui s'imposent. Right reserved as tc 3. - Estd'ailleursreserveledroit publications, etc. de tout pays de ne pas effectuer, sur son territoire, Ie transport en transit a decouvert des objets autres que les lettres et les ca,Ties postales, a l'egard desquels il n'a pas ete satisfait aux lois, ordon- nances ou decrets qui reglent Ies conditions de leur publication ou de leur circulation dans ce pays. Return. Ces objets doivent etre ren- voyes a l'Office d'origine. ARTICLE 46.

I.lethods of prepay- Modalites d'affranchissement.

ment. Postage stamps or 1.-L'affranchissement est impressions of stamp ~~. d.b machines of country of opt:rt:, SOlt au moyen e tlIIl res- origin required. poste valables dans Ie pays d'ori- gine pour 10. correspondance des particuliers, soit au moyen d'em- preintes de machines a affranchir, officiellement adoptees et fonc- tionnant sous Ie controle imme- diat de l'Administration ou, en ce Prints, etc. qui concerne les. imprimes, au moyen d'empreintes a La presse d'imprimerie ou par un autre procede lorsqu'un tel systeme d'impression est autorise par les reglements interieurs de l'Admi- nistration d'origine. However, articles containing opium, morphine, cocaine and other narcotics are in no case eit.her delivered to the addressee or returned to origin; (b) The articles enumerated under (b) and (f) shall be de- stroyed on the spot by the first Administration which discovers their presence; (c) The articles enumerated under (0), as well as in the last two paragraphs of Section 1, shall be returned to the COUlltry of origin, unless the Administration of the country ef dest.ination is disposed to deliver them as an exceptional measure to the ad- dressees. In cases where articles wrongly accepted for mailing are neither returned to origin nor deliv- ered to the addressee, the dis- patching Administration shall be notified, in a precise manner, of the disposal made of such arti- cles, so that it may take the nec- essary action. 3. Moreover, the right is re- served for every country to refuse to convey in transit in open mail over its territory articles other than letters and post cards in regard to which the laws,' ordi- nances or decrees regulating the conditions of their publication or circulation in that country have not been observed. These articles shall be returned to the country of origin. ARTICLE 46 Methods oj prepayment 1. Prepayment of postage is effected either by means of post- age stamps valid in the country of ori~ for the correspondence of pnvate individuals, or by means of impressions of stamping machines officially adopted and operating under the immediate control of the Administration; or t in the case of prints, by means ot impressions, printed or otherwise obtained, when such a system is authorized by the domestic regu- lations of the country of origin.