Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/927

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UNIVERSAL POS'!'AL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2535 pant aux Arrangements en ce qui concerne ces Arrangements, leurs Reglements et leurs Protocoles finals. Pour Hre mises en deliberation, toutes les propositions introduites par une Administration dans l'in- tervalIe des reunions doivent ~tre appuyees par au moins deux autres AdmInistrations. Ces pro- positions restent sans suite lors- que Ie Bureau international ne re~oit pas, en m~me temps, Ie nombre necessaire de declarations d'appui. ARTICLE 19. Examen des propositions. Toute proposition est soumise a la procedure suivante: Un delai de six mois est laisse aux Administrations pour exami- ner la proposition et pour faire parvenir au Bureau internation!}'l, . Ie cas ~heant, leurs observations. Les amendments ne sont pas admis. Les reponses sont reu- nies par les soins du Bureau inter- national et communi< aux Administrations avec Invitation de se prononcer pour ou contre. Celles qui n'ont pas fait parvenir leur vote dans un delai de six mois sont considerees comma s'abste- nant. us deZais precites comp- tent d partir de la date des circu- Zaires du Bureau international. Si la proposition concerne un Arrangement son Reglament ou leurs Protoco[es finals, seules les Administrations ayant adhere a cet i\rrangement peuvent prendre part aux operations indiquees ci- dessus. ARTICLE 20. Conditions d'approbation. l. - Pour devenir executoires, les propositions doivent reunir: a) l'unanimite des suffrages, s'iI s'Rgit de l'addition de nouvelles dispositions ou de la modification des dispositions des Titres I et II et des articles 32 a 36, 52 a 57, 59 a61,63 a66,68 a81 de la Con- vention, de tous les articles de son tries participating in the Agree- ments in regard to those Agree- ments.;,.. their Regulations, and their ~inal Protocols. In order to be considered, all propositions introduced by an Administration in the interval between meetings must be sup- ported by at least two other Ad- ministrations. Such propositions are ignored when the Inter- national Bureau does not receive, at the same time, the necessary number cf declarations of support. ARTICLE 19 Examination oj propositions Every pronosition is submitted Procedure to be tol· J,- lowed. to the followmg procedure: A period of six months is allowed to Administrations, in order to ex- amine the propositions and send their observations, if any, to the International Bureau. Amend- ments are not .a .dmitted. The replies are assembled by the Inter- national Bureau and communi- cated to the Administrations, with an invitation to pronounce themselves for or against. Those which have not sent in their votes within a period of six months are considered as abstaining. The periods above mentioned are counted from the dates of the circulars of the International Bureau. If the proposition concerns an Agreement! its Regulations, or their Fina Protocols, only the Administrations which have ad- hered to that Agreement may take part in the procedure indicated above. ARTICLE 20 Oonditions oj approval 1. In order to become €ffeetive, the propositions must obtain: a) Unanimity of votes, if it is a question of adding new provisions or modifying the provisions of Titles I and II and of Articles 32 to36,52to57,59to61,63to66, 68 to 81 of the Convention, of any of the Articles of its Final Protocol, Requirements. Unanimlty:ot Vote..