Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/907

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8,1927. January 30. 1928. DtCLARATION ANNEXE. Lea delegations de l'Allemagne, de l'Autriche et de la Hongrie, en accep- tant, en faveur de 1& Tchecoslovaquie, l'exception de la quartzite en vertu du paragraphe 2 de I'article 6 de la Convention, declarent que leur con- sentement n'avait eM obtenu que moyennant l'engagement de la Tche- coslovaquie de maintenir, aussi long- temps que la Convention restera en vigueur, les contingents et les condi- tions d'exportation actuellement ac- cordes en vertu de traiMs ou d'arrange- ments speciaux. Allemagne ANNEXED DECLARATION. The Austrian, German and Hun- garian delegation!:!, in accepting in favour of Czechoslovakia the exception of quartzite under paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Convention, declare that their consent has only been given in return for an undertaking on the part of Czechoslovakia to maintain, as long as the Convention remains in force, the export quotas and conditions provided for in special treaties or arrangements. Germany Dr Ernst TRENDELENBURG Autriche AU8tria Dr Richard SCHULLER Hongrie Hungary NICKL TcMcoslovaquie C zecho8lovakia IBL AND WHEREAS the said convention and protocol and supplemen- tary agreement and protocol were duly ratified by the United States of America, and its instrument of ratification was deposited with the Secretary General of the League of Nations on September 30, 1929, subject to the declaration made in writing by the plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the time of signing the convention and the protocol to the convention, and to the understanding that the provision of Section VI of the protocol to the convention excepting from the scope of the convention prohibitions or restrictions applying to prison-made goods, includes goods the product of forced or slave labor however employed; AND WHEREAS the ratifications of or accessions to the said con- vention by eighteen states were not deposited with or notified to the Secretary General of the League of Nations on or before September 30, 1929, as required by Article C of the supplementary agreement in order to bring the convention into force; AND WHEREAS the Senate of the United States of America, by their resolution of September 19 (Legislative Day September 9), 1929, advised and consented that the President might agree to bring the convention into force under the provisions of the last paragraph of Article 17 thereof in the event that the ratifications or accessions of eighteen states were not given pursuant to the requirements of Article C of the supplementary agreement; AND WHEREAS, by virtue of the last paragraph of Article 17 of the said convention, a protocol, of which a certified copy is hereto annexed, putting the convention into force on January 1, 1930, among the states whose instruments of ratification or accession had been deposited with or notified to the Secretary General of the League of Nations within the time limit provided for in the aforesaid Article C of the supplementary agreement, to wit: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, the United States of America, France, Hungary, Italy, 2515 A nnexed Declara- tion. Deposit of ratifica- tions.