Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/900

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2508 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8.1927. January 30.1928. be forwarded to all the Mem- des Nations et a. tous les Etats hers of the League of Nations and non membres representes a. 10. all the non-Member States repre- Conference. sented at the Conference. . Signatures to the Allemagne Supplementary Agree- Dr Ernst TRENDELENBURG Germany ment.

etats- Unis d' Amerique

United States oj America HUGH R. WILSON Autriche Austria Dr Richard SCHULLER Belgique Belgium J. BRUNET. F. VAN LANGENHOVE. Grande-Bretagne et Irlande du Nord ainsi que toutes parties de l'Empire britannique, non mem- bru separes de la Societe des Nations. Great Britain and Northern Ire- land and all parts oj the British Empire which are not separate Members oj the League oj Na- tions. Inde I declare that my signature does not include any of His Britannic Majesty's Colonies, Protectorates or territories under suzerainty or mandate.1 S. J. CHAPMAN H. A. F. LINDSAY India Bulgarie Bulgaria Chili Au moment de signer Ie present Accord com- pIementaire, 10. Bulgarie declare qu'il sera ratifie et mis en vigueur aussiMt que 10. monnaie nationale sera retablie en or. 2 D. MIKOFF Tomas RAMIREZ FRIAS Danemark J. CLAN. William BORBERG. Egypte Sadik E. HENEIN Estonie A. SCHMIDT Finlande Rudolf HOLSTI. Gunnar KIHLMAN [Traduction] Chile Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland 1 Je declare que Ina signature ne couvre pas les colonies, protectorats ou terr!- toires plac~ sous Ia suzerainet6 ou Ie mandat de Sa Majesta britannique. [Tranalation] 'On signing the present Supplementary Agreement, Bulgaria declares that it shall be ratified and put into force as soon as the national currency shall be re-established in gold.