Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/887

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8. 1927. January 30, 1928. 2495 SECTION VII. Should any prohibitions or re- strictions be imposed within the limits laid down by the Conven- tion, the High Contracting Parties shall strictly adhere to the fol- lowing provisions as regards li- cences: (a) The conditions to be fulfilled and the formalities to be observed in order to obtain licences shaH be brought im- mediately in the clearest and most definite form to the notice of the public; (b) The method of i!!sue of the certificates of licences shall be as simplo and stable as possible; (c) The examination of ap- plications and the issue of licences to the applicants shall be carried out '" ;th the least possible delay; . (d) The system of issuing licences shall be such as to pre- vent the traffic in licences. With this object, licences, when issued to individuals, shall otate the name of the holder and shall not be capable of being used by any other person. As regards the allocation of quotas, the High Contracting Parties, without pronouncing up- on the method to be adopted, con- sider that an equitable allocation of such quotas is one of the essen- tial conditions for the equitable treatment of international trade. 578!)4 0 -31-PT 2----55 SECTION VII. DI .... d hib't' LlceIl8ElS when pro- ans e cas Ou es pro 1 Ions hibltlons, etc., Imposed. ou restrictions seraient appli- quoos dans les limites etablies par la Convention, les Hautes Parties contractantes se conformeront strictement, en ce qui concerne les licences, aux dispositions sui- vantes: a) Les conditions a remplir et les formalites a accomplir a I'effet d'obtenir des licences seront immediatement portees, dans la forme la plus claire et la plus precise, a la connaissance du public; b) Le mode de delivrance de ces titres sera aussi simple et aussi stable que possible; c) L'examen des demandes et la remise des licences aux interesses seront effectuees avec la plus grande celerite; d:) Le systeme de delivrance des licences sera etabli de maniere a prevenir Ie traffic de ces titres. A cet effet, les licences, lorsqu'elles seront ac- cordees a des personnes, de- vront porter Ie nom du beneficiaire et ne devront pas pouvoir etre utilisees par une autre personne. En ce qui concerne la reparti- tion des contingents, les Hautes Parties contractantes, sans statuer sur la methode a adopter, es- timent qu'une repartition equi- table de ces contingents est une des conditions essentielles de l'equitable traitement du com- merce international.