Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/855

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8, 1927. January 30, 1928. primary conditions of world pros- perity; and Considering that this object may best bE achieved by resort to simultaneous and conserted action in the form of an international convention j Have appointed their plenipo- tentiaries, namely: The President of the German Reich: Dr. E. Trendelenburg, Secre- tary of State to the Ministry of National Economy j The President of the United States of America: Mr. Hugh R. Wilson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Swiss Federal Council; tions essentielles de la prosperite mondialej Considerant que Is meilleure maniere d'utteindre Ie but ainsi defini est de recourir a une action parallele et concertee sous la forme d'une convention inter- nationale, Ont designe pour leurs plenipo- tentiaires, savoir: Le President du Reich allemand: La Dr Ernst Trendelenburg, Secretaire d'Etat au Minis- tere de l'Economie nationale j La President des :t;,:tats-Unis d'Amerique: Mr. Hugh R. Wilson, Envoye extraordinaire et Ministre plenipotentiaire pres Ie Con- seil federal suisse j' The President of the Federal Republic: Austrian Le President de la Republique M. Emerich Pfliigl, Minister Plenipotentiary, Representa- tive of the Austrian Federai Government accredited to the League of Nations; His Majesty the King of the Belgians: M. J . Brunet, Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary; M. F. van Langenhove, Chef du Cabinet and General Di- rector for Foreign Commerce in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; f&Ierale d'Autriche: M. Emerich PflUgl, Ministra pIenipotentiaire, Represen- tant du Gouvernement fed- eral d'Antriche aupres de la Societe des Nations; Sa Majeste Ie Roi des Belges: M. J . Brunet, Envoye extra- ordinaire et Ministre.pIeni- potentiaire; M. F . van Langenhove, Chef du Cabinet et Directeur gene- ral du Commerce exterieur au Ministere des Affaires etrangeres; His Majesty the King of Great Sa Britain and Ireland and of Majeste Ie Roi de Grande- Bretagne, d'lrlande et des territoires britanniques au dela des mers, Empereur des lndes: the British Dominions be- yond the Seas, Emperor of India: For Great Britain and N orth- ern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of the League of Nations: 57894 0 -31-PT 2 ---53 Pour Ia Grande-Bretagne et l'lrlande du Nord, ainsi que toute partie de l'Em- pire britannique non mem- bre separe de Ia Societe des Nations: 2463 Plenipotentiaril!8.