Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/846

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2454 LIVESTOCK CONVENTION-MEXICO. MARCH 16, 19"28. which any contagious or infec- tious disease exists GIld shall indicate zones which may be con- sidered as exposed, in order to prevent the propagation and d1::'- semination of the llifection of such disease. ARTICLE IX. Imports restrirted The HiO'h Contracting Parties from countrIes wbere b. • h:gblY infectious dis- shall not Issue pen:ru.ts for do- easesapperorfrequently. mestic ruminants or swine orig- inating in any foreign countries or zones where highly infectious and rapidly spreading diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest appear frequently, until at least sixty days have elapsed without any outbreak of the disease in such countries or zones. When a disease of this kind occurs in any part of a foreign country any other part of the same country shall be considered as exposed until the contrary is positively shown, that is, until it is shown that no com- munication exists between the two parts by which the disease may be readily transmitted. 'When such a disease occurs near the land border of a foreign country the neighboling part of the adjacent country shall be considered as exposed until the contrary is positively shown. ARTICLE X. Mutual Dotificati,?D It is agreed that the respective ()f appearance of dis- • ease, etc. governments shall notIfy each Exchange of official publications, etc. other promptly, through the usual diplomatic channels, of the ap- pearance and extent of seriously acute, contagious diseases. In the case of outbreaks of disea3es of this character not recently ex- isting in either country informa- tion may be transmitted immedi- ately in the most expeditious manner. ARTICLE XI. The High Contracting Parties agree to exchange the official reg- ulations, periodicals, and other publications that may come out que existan enfermedadea infecto- contagios88 y las zonas considerlL- das como 8Ospechosas, IL fin de impedir IlL propagaci6n de dichas enfermedad('~. ARTICL1..O IX. Las Altas Parros Contratantes convienen en que no cxpediran permisos para. importar rumiantes o cerdos procedentes de paises extranjeros 0 de zonas de los mismos en donde apare~can con frecuencia enfermedades alta- mente infecciosas y de propa- gaci6n rapida, como fiebre 8.fto8a y peste bovina, hasta que hayan transcurrido por 10 menos 60 dias despues del ultimo brote de dichas enfermedades. Cuando una enfermedad de esta cIase se presen 1,e en cualquier parte de un pais extranjero, el resto del mismo se considerara como sospechoso mientras no se pruebe 10 con- trario; es decir, hasta que se demuestre que no existen entre ambas partes medios por los cUllles se transmita facilmente la enfermedad. Cuando tales en- fermedades aparezcan cerca de la frontera de un pais extranjero, la parte vecina del pais limitrofe sera considerada como sospechosa hasta que se pruebe 10 contrario. ARTIcm~o X. Se conviene en que los respec- tivos Gobiernos se notificaran mutuamente, por los conductos diplomaticos acostumbrados, Ia aparici6n y magnitud de enferme- dades infecto-contagiosas graves. Cuando se presenten casos de en- fermedades de este caracter que no hayan existido recientemente en alguno de los dos paises, Ia informaci6n debers. transmitirse desda luego y en Ia forma mas rapida. ARTICULO . XI . Las Altas Partes Contratantes convienen en canjear los regla- mentos, pUblicaciones oficiales peri6dicas y de otra clase que