Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/817

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NATURALIZATION TREATY-CZECHOSLOVAKIA. JULY 16, 1928. 2425 nationality and to be nationals of Czechoslovakia. Reciprocally, nationals of Czechoslovakia who have been or shall be naturalized in the territories of the United States shall he held by Czechoslovakia to have lost their former nation- ality and to be nationals of the United States. The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not be appli- cable to a national of eIther country who obtains naturaliza- tion in the other while his country is at war. The word "national", as used in this convention, means a per- son having the nationality of the United States or Czechoslo- vakia, respectively, under the laws thereof. The word "naturalized" refers to the naturalization of a ferson over twenty-one years 0 age, granted ~pon hi~ own ~pplica­ tion, while he IS permanently residing within the country of naturalization, and to the nat- uralization of 8. person under twenty-one years of age through the naturalization of a parent, provided such person has ac- quired a permanent residence within the country of naturali- zation. Article II. Nationals of either of the Contracting States naturalized as provided in Article I, shall not, upon their return to the territory of the country of which they were formerly nationals, be prosecuted or punished for ex- patriation or for having failed, prior to their naturalization, to answer summonses to military service which had been served upon them within a period of five years preceding their natural- ization. Article I I I. If a national of either country, who comes within the purview of Article I, shall renew his residence in his original country without the intent to return to that in which he was naturalized, he shall be svou dfivejsi :efislusnost a stali se pfislusniky Ceskoslovenska. N avzajem 0 pfislusnicich Ceskoslovenska, ktefi byli anebo budou naturalisovani na uzemi Spojenych Statu, bude se miti v Oeskoslovensku za to, ze ztratili svou dfivejsi pfislusnost a stali se pfislusniky Spojenych Statu. Pfedchazejici ustanoveni tohoto Restriction in time 01 clftnku nebudou platiti pro pfi- war. slusnika jedne z obou zemi, ktery dosahne naturalisace v druhe zemi v dobe, kdy jeho zeme vede vaIku. Slovem "pfislusnik" ve smyslu, Application of term& V jakem je ho pouzito v teto Umluve, oznacuje se osoba, ktera jest pfislusnikem Spojenych Statu nebo Oeskoslovenska podIe za- konu tam platnych. Slovo "naturalisovany" vzta- huje se k naturalisaci osobr. stars! jedenadvaceti let, ktera JI byla udelena k jeji vlastni zadosti za jejiho trvaleho pobytu v zemi naturalisacni, a k naturali- saci osoby mladsi jedenadvaceti let nabyte naturalisaci jednoho z rodicu v pfedpokladu, ze tato osoba nabyla trvaIeho bydliste v zemi naturalisacni. Cldnek II. Pfislusnici ]' ednoho z obou Status of nat1;lralized • person returmng to smluvnich statu, naturalisovani former country. podle ustanoveni clanku I., ne- budou pfi navratu svem na memi zeme, jejimiz byli dfive pfi- slusniky, stihani ani trestani pro expatriaci nebo proto, ze pfed svou naturalisaci neuposlechli p'ovolani k vojenske sluzbe, ktere lim bylo doruceno do pHi let kte!a pfedchazeji jejich naturali- saCl. Cldnek III. Obnovi-li pfislusnik ]' edne z R~n~ciation of na~- • uralizatlOn by resl- obou zemi, na ktereho se vztahu]e de.n~ in country of clanek I., sve bydliste ve sve OrIgin. puvodni zemi bez umyslu vratiti se do zeme, kde byl naturalisovan, budese0nemmitizato,ze