Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/780

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2388 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-ECUADOR. luly 11, 1929. August 6, 1929. counted for in consequence of the destruction of official documents through causes beyond control. Reservation In case I h ddd of false statements, etc. 9. ncasetesener,a ress- ee, or owner of a registered or insured parcel, or his representa- tive, shall, at any 'time knowingly allege the contents to be above their real value, or whenever any fa1se, fictitious or fraudulent eVI- dence is knowingly and wilfully introduced, the Administration responsible for the indemnity re- serves the right, without any refund of fee or p(\stage, to decline to pay indemnity or to pay such indemnity as may in its disCretion be considered equitable in the Ii2ht of the evidence produced. The enforcement of this rule shall not prejudice any legal proe.eoxl- in2S to which such fraudulent e VI- dence m~y have :rendered th(' claimant liable. ~m1~~;t\~~e:! 10. When a registered or in- lIity withID a 1MI'. sured articld has been lost, rifled, or' damage:d, the administration of origin shall {>ay indemnity to the rightful claunant as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one year counting with the day follo~g that on which the application 'is made, which payment shall be made on account of the Administration of destination, if that Administra- tion is responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage, and has been duly notified. Deferring paymellts. 11. However, the Administra- tion of origin may, in the cases indicated in the foregoing section, exceptionally defer payment of indemnity for a longer period than that stipulatedl if, at the expira- tion of that penod, it has not been able to determine the disposition made of the article in question or the responsibility incurred. Pa}~8IIt by country 12 E t . h I'f 0rtg111 ~{country of '. xcep m cases were pay- destination delay. Dine ment is exceptionally deferred as months. provided in the foregoing section, the country of oriain is authorized to pay indemnity on behalf of the pudieran ser tomados en cuents por motivo de 1a de£ltrucci6n de los documentos oficiales, ocasio- nada por motivos independien- tes de 10. voluntad. 9. En caso de que el remitente, destinatario 0 dueno de tiL. pa- quete registrado 0 asegurado. 0 su representante, en alguna oca- si6n alegare a sabiendas que el contenido era mayor que su valor real, 0 cuando fie presentaren comprobantes falsos, ficticios 0 fraudulentos, 1a Administraci6n responsab10 del pago de la indem- nizacion, se reservars. e1 derecho, sin necesidad de refundir los de- rechos de franqueo, para declinar e1 pago de la indemnizaci6n en conformidad con su discreci6n y juicio y con vista de la evidencia de los hechos. La vigeneia de esoo articulo no pOOra. obstaeuli- zar cualquier procedimiento judi- dal que pudiere oeasionar la pre- aentaci6n de doeumentos fraudu- lentos a que se hiciere merecedor e1 falso reclamante. to. Cuando se perdiere alg11n artfculo asegurado 0, o llegare expoliado, 10. AdrDinistra- ci6n de origen \>agars. la indemni- zaci6r al proplO reclamante tan pronto como sea posible, a mfuJ tardar dentro del penodo de un ado, contado desde la fecha en Ia <I,ue se hubiere presentado la soli- Cltud de reclamaci6n; dicho pago ha de ha.cerse por cuenta de Ia Administra.ci6n dostinataria, si ella fuera responsable de 1a p~rdida, expoliaci6n 0 avena y hubiere sido notificada en tal sentido. 11. Sin embargo, la Admjnis- traci6n de origen puede en los casos indicados en la secci6n ante- rior, diferir excepcionalmente el pago de 1a indemnizaci6n por un penodo mas largo que e1 estipu- lado, si, a 1a expiraci6n de ese periodo, no Ie ha sido todavia posib1e determinar la disposici6n que se hubiere dado al articulo que se reclama 0 la responso.bili- dad incurrida. 12. Exceptua.ndose los casos en que se ha diferido el pago, segUn se declara en la secci6n prece- dente, el pais de origen ests. auto- rizado a pagar las indemniza-