Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/777

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July 11. 1m. August 6. 1929. 2385 Pfi.RCEL POST AGREEMENT-ECUADOR. shall be returned to the sender (in the same kind of mail as re- ceived, that is, registered or in- sured, as the case may be) under the same circumstances as in the case of an ordinary parcel which can not be delivered. New reg- istration or insurance fees, as the case may be, as well as new post- age may be collected from the sender and retained by the Ad- ministration making the collec- tion. 2. The Administration of origin shall be notified when a registered or insured parcel which is not delivered or IS not returned to the country of origin is disposed of at auction or otherwise. IX. RETRANSMISSION Missent registered or insured parcels shall not be forwarded to their destination unless they are forwarded as registered or insured mail, as the case may be. If they can not be forwarded as registered or insured mail, as the case may be, they shall be returned to the country of origin. X. INDEMNITY 1. Except in cases of loss or damage through force majeure (causes beyond control) as that term is defined by the legal de- cisions or rulings of the country in the service of which the loss or damage occurs, when a regis- tered or insured parcel has been lost, rifled, or damaged, the sender or other rightful claimant is en- titled to an mdemnity correspond- ing to the acLIlll amount of loss, rifling, or dumage, based on the actual value at the time and place of mulling of the lost, rifled, or damaged article, unless the loss, rifling, or damage has arisen from the fault or negligence of the sender or the addressee or of the representative of either or from the nature of the article,. provided that the indemnity shall not ex- ceed the sum for which the re- ilue no hubieren sido entregados New I!0stage, fees, d.t' , d 1 1 etc., reqUlred. a estma ano, seran evue tos a remitente (en la misma forma. en que fueron recibidos) 0 sea., como registrados 0 asegurados, como los paquetes ordinarios que no hayan sido retirados. Se perci- biran nuevos derechos de registro o de aseguramiento, segUn sea el caso, asi como tambien nuevo franqueo que los cubrira el remi- tenteen beneficio de la Oficina que efectuare el cobro. 2. La Administraci6n de origen of~rTarmstroBot (talk) of, to ('ountry sera notificada cada vez que un paquete registrado 0 asegurado, que no ha sido entregado 0 de- vuelto, caiga en 01 caso de ser puesto a disposici6n 0 en el de venta por remate. IX. REEXPEDICIONES Los paquetes registrados 0 los asegurados recibidos por error, no podran ser reexpedidos a sus destinaciones respectivas a menos de que se los trate como a tales, es decir, enviandolos como regis- trados 0 asegurados. Si no se pudiere cumplir con ese requisito, segUn sea que se trate de paquetes registrados 0 asegurados, seran reexpedidos a su origen. X. INDEMNIZACIONES 1. Excepto los casos de perdida o dano por fuerza mayor (causas independientes de la voluntad), como ese termino esta definido por las decisiones legales 0 regla- mentos del pais en cuyo servicio ocurriere la perdida 0 dano, cuando un paquete registrado 0 asegurado hubiere sido perdido, expoliado 0 averiado, el remitente o persona autorizada que hiciere el reclamo, tiene derecho a una. indemnizaci6n que corresponda. a la cantidad actus.l de la perdida, expoliaci6n 0 averia de los arti- culos, basandose en el valor actual y en la epoca y lugar de dep6sito del articulo perdido, expoliado 0 averiado, a menos que la perdida, expoliaci6n 0 perj uicio proviniere de la falta de precauci6n 0 negli- gencia del remitente e del desti- natario 0 del representante· de Retransmission. Proyisions fer. Inderunity. Allowance to Jender. Limitation.